Lever in a Million Years

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Lever in a Million Years is the 18th episode of Cro as part of its second season.

[edit] Synopsis

Phil is stuck in the shower. Dr. C and Mike attempt to get him out using levers, such as crowbars, and finally, the toilet flusher. Cro meets Pakka for the first time and gets out of the Neandies thanks to his "pet log". But he uses it to save everyone from Selene.

Preceded by:
Play It Again, Cro...Not!
Episodes of Cro Followed by:
Turn Up The Heat
Characters CroPhilEsmeraldaThe Dire WolvesSteamerDr. C more...
Episodes Things That Eat Mung in the NightNo Way UpLever in a Million YearsPlay It Again, Cro...Not!Pulley for Youmore...
Other WoollyvilleThe Way Things Work1993 in television1994 in television1999 in television2002 in televisionSesame Workshop