Level Mountain

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Level Mountain is the most voluminous and most persistent eruptive center of the Stikine Volcanic Belt in Northwestern British Columbia. The volcano covers an area of 1,800 sq km SW of Dease Lake and north of Telegraph Creek. An 860 cu km bimodal, Miocene-to-Pliocene stratovolcano with several eruptive centers caps a Miocene basaltic shield volcano. Following extensive glacial dissection and emplacement of late-Pilocene silicic lava domes, lesser activity continued into the Quaternary. More than 20 Tertiary-to-Holocene eruptive centers have been identified in the central portion of Level Mountain and on it's flanks. The broad, dissected summit region consists of trachytic and rhyolitic lava domes and was considered to be dotted with several minor basaltic vents of postglacial age, although considered Holocene activity to be uncertain.

Location: 58.42 N, 131.35 W Elevation: 7,185 feet (2190 m)

Coordinates: 58°33′N 131°25′W