Leopard frog

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iLeopard frog
Leopard Frog, unknown species
Leopard Frog, unknown species
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anura
Family: Ranidae
Genus: Rana

Rio Grande Leopard Frog, R. berlandieri
Plains Leopard Frog, R. blairi
Chiricahua Leopard Frog, R. chiricahuensis
Vegas Valley Leopard Frog, R. fisheri
Relict Leopard Frog R. onca
Northern Leopard Frog, R. pipiens
Southern Leopard Frog, R. sphenocephala
Ramsey Canyon Leopard Frog, R. subaquavocalis
Lowland Leopard Frog, R. yavapaiensis

Leopard frogs, which are also called meadow frogs and grass frogs, are a collection of so-called true frogs within the genus Rana. Once abundant in North America and Canada, their population has declined in recent years because of pollution and deforestation. Leopard frogs are often used as environmental indicator species because of their heightened sensitivity to chemical pollutants found in the air and water, and they are commonly used as dissection specimens in biology classrooms.

Northern Leopard Frog, Rana pipiens
Northern Leopard Frog, Rana pipiens

Leopard frogs are recognized by their green or brown coloration with distinct light-edged dark spots across the back and white underside. They also have a characteristic line of raised glandular skin, called the dorsolateral ridge, extending from each eye to the groin. Some species also have a light marking on the center of their tympanic membrane. Males have two vocal sacs, located on both sides of the body, used to attract mates and establish territory. The adult ranges in size from about 5–11 cm (2–5 in) in length, depending on the species, with females generally larger than males.

During mating season, the female lays 3,000–6,000 eggs, with each egg approximately 1.7 mm in diameter, in a large, flattened mass just below water surface. These eggs will attach to the pond substrate, and one month after the eggs are laid, tadpoles emerge approximately 65–83 mm in length. The leopard frog will reach sexual maturity 2–3 years after eggs are laid and have a lifespan of 6–9 years.

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