Leo J. Enright

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Leo J. Enright (b. March 18, 1955) is an Irish radio broadcaster and news reporter. He is currently Chairman of the Irish Government's science awareness programme,"Discover Science and Engineering". He is a member of the Board of Governors of the School of Cosmic Physicsat the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. Leo Enright was born in London, but considers Dublin his home town. He was educated at St. Fintan's High School, Sutton and University College Dublin. As a Fellow of the World Press Institute, he studied American history, economics and culture at Macalester College, in St. Paul, Minnesota.

[edit] Career

Most of Enright's career has been spent in public service broadcasting. He has been a regular presenter of news and analysis programmes on Radio Telefís Éireann since the 1970's. He was the first Head of News at Radio 2, Ireland's national music and talk station, after which he spent much of the 1980's as London Correspondent for the Irish national broadcaster. During the 1990’s he was the BBC's man in Dublin. He has undertaken lengthy assignments in the Middle East, Iran and Africa and has been accredited to the White House under every administration since President Gerald Ford.

[edit] Major Achievements

He is a Science Writing Fellow of the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Ma., where he studied microbial diversity.

In 2000, with support from NASA's Astrobiology Institute, he completed the renowned Workshop on Molecular Evolution at the Josephine Bay Paul Center for Comparative Molecular Biology and Evolution.

Starting as a schoolboy space commentator in the 1960's Leo Enright has broadcast live commentaries on every major space event since the first Moon landing. He was elected Fellow of the British Interplanetary Society in 1978.

In 2003, Leo Enright was appointed Chairman of the Irish Government’s "Discover Science and Engineering", a national programme to co-ordinate public and private promotion of engineering and science throughout Irish society.