Leo I of Halych

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Lev I of Halych in front of his capital, Lviv
Lev I of Halych in front of his capital, Lviv

Leo I of Halych (Ukrainian: Лев Данилович, Lev Danylovich), (born ca. 1228, died ca. 1301) was a son of King Danylo of Halych. Lev became in turn Knyaz of Belz (1245 - 1264), Knyaz of Peremyshl and king of Halych (1264 - 1269) and King of Halych-Volhynia (1293 - 1301). He moved his father's capital from Halych to the newly-founded city of Lviv in modern Ukraine. This city is named after him. In 1247 Leo married Constance, daughter of Béla IV of Hungary.

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