Lemonade Stand (business)

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Lemonade Stands are businesses that are commonly owned and operated by kids that sell lemonade. They are usually made out of plywood or cardboard boxes with a paper sign on front advertising the lemonade stand. A common price for the lemonade is usually 50, 75, or 100 cents, probably to just keep it simple. They are most commonly seen in the suburbs in the United States. Lemonade stands are common in the summer time because of the hot temperatures that make people thirsty.

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[edit] Lemonade stands in popular culture

  • Angelica Pickles had a lemonade stand on the show Rugrats. This lemonade stand, however, featured extra things like a "drive thru" window.
  • The computer game Lemonade Tycoon revolves around being a child selling lemonade during the summer and trying to make revenue. The game was made by Hexacto in 2003.