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  • Hours toward a PhD in history, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1996-1998
  • MA in history, Illinois State University in Normal, May 1996
  • MS in library and information science, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, August 1990
  • AB with double major in Russian Language and Literature and Russian and East European Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 1989


  • Internet Marketing Representative, 1998-present -- Market books, videos and CD's in association with, using Webpages and other Internet resources
  • Enumerator, US Census, 2000 -- Went door-to-door completing Census questionaires for people who had not completed their mail-in questionaires.
  • Student Intern, Illinois Regional Archival Depository, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale 1997-1998 -- Provided reference for collection of original records produced by various county offices.
  • Evening Librarian, Illinois Central College, East Peoria, IL,1996 Provided reference stervices in an academic setting, taught bibligraphic instruction classes and maintained vertical file being transfered to CD-ROM format.
  • Receptionist, WGLT, Normal, IL 1994 to 1995 -- Handled phone and walk-in questions, mailing of membership materials, filing.
  • Evening and On-Call Librarian, Moriane Valley Community College, Palos Hills, IL 1992 to 1994 -- Provided reference service in an academic setting, taught bibliographic instruction classes, supervised clerical staff, prepared bulletin board displays and newsletter
  • Veterinary assistant, New Lenox Animal Hospital, New Lenox, IL 1991 -- Maintained client records and veterinarian's new information file, performed kennel work and assisted in treatment of animals
  • Young adult librarian, Mishawaka Penn Public Library, Mishawaka, IN 1990-1991 -- Provided reference service, managed the young adult program and the pamplet file, supervised interlibrary loan clerk
  • Graduate assistant to Professor F. W. Lancaster, Graduate School of Library and Information Science 1989-1990 -- Collected and entered data from journal articles for bibliometric studies, searched standard bibliographic sources for information on journals, constructed graphics using MacDraw
  • Student assistant, University of Illinois Library and Information Science Library 1988-90 -- Shelved and retrieved books using Dewey Decimal Classification, handled reserve materials for patrons.
  • Student assistant, University of Illinois Library of the Health Sciences, Urbana 1989 -- Prepared books for reshelving and filed catalog cards using National Library of Medicine Classification, handled reserve materials for patrons.

Special Skills

  • Russian (four college years) and Polish (one year)
  • Familiar with Macintosh computer
  • Familiar with HTML scripting

Honors and Memberships

  • SIU Doctoral Fellowship, 1996-97 school year
  • Phi Kappa Phi and Golden Key Honor Society
  • American Library Association
  • Judge at 1997 and 1998 Southern Illinois Regional History Fair
  • Cardinal Court Residence Association secretary, 1995-96 school year
  • Secretary and Webmistress for the Science Fiction and Fantasy Society of SIU, 1996-97 and 1997-98 school years.
  • Co-ordinator of The Tecton Star, an Amateur Press Association (APA) for fans of Jacqueline Lichtenberg's Sime~Gen universe, 1992-1999
  • Listowner of the Sime~Gen mailing list,, 1996-1998.
  • Best Amateur Black&White Art award for "Where Do I Sign Up?" ConTraption, 1998
  • Best Fan Art award for "A Purr-Fect Nelson," Capricon XV, 1996
  • Phi Alpha Theta Certificate of participation,1995 conference, ISU
  • Distinguished site award from for the Naval History Website,


  • Biographies of Ernest J. King, Chester W. Nimitz, William F. "Bull" Halsey, Jomo Kenyatta, Jahawarl Nehru and the Dalai Lama for A Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth-Century World Leaders, Marshall Cavendish Corp. August 1999.
  • Article "The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Site" in Historic Places in the United States, Salem Press, October, 2000.
  • Articles "Agriculture in North America," "Communications Systems in Europe" and "Communications Systems among the Pacific Islands" in World Geography, Salem Press. May 2001.
  • Articles "War in Art," "Trafalgar," "Beachy Head," "Roland (Hrolandus)," "Thomas Cochrane," "Nagumo Chuichi," "Walter Campbell Short," and "Husband Edward Kimmel" in Magill's Guide to Military History, Salem Press, March, 2001.
  • Articles "Henotheism" and "Madagascar" in Encyclopedia of the Ancient World, Salem Press, November 2001.
  • Articles: "October 10, 1973 -- Vice President Spiro Agnew Resigns After Being Charged with Income Tax Evasion," "October 31, 1998 -- First Digital High-definition Television Signals are Broadcast," "October 13, 1999 -- Philip Morris Admits There Is Harm in Smoking," "February 7, 2000 -- Hackers Cripple Several Major Commercial Sites, Revealing Internet's Vulnerability," and "November 3, 2000 -- International Space Station Takes Aboard Its First Crew" in Great Events : 1900-2001, Salem Press, April 2002.
  • Articles: "James M. Buchannan, Jr.," John R. Hicks," "Kenneth J. Arrow," "Robert M. Solow," "Robert C. Merton," "Myron S. Scholes," "Daniel L. McFadden," "Edwin G. Krebs," "Bert Sakmann," "Edmond H. Fischer," "Richard J. Roberts," "Peter C. Doherty," "Rolf M. Zinkernagel," "Arvid Carlsson," "Paul Greengard," and "Eric R. Kandel." in Nobel Prize Winners, Salem Press. (publication suspended indefinitely).
  • Articles: "The Brothers Karamazov," "Cancer Ward," "The Idiot," "Solaris," "Boris Godunov," "The Bedbug," "The Caine Mutiny," "Roots," "War and Peace," "The Cossacks," "Oblomov," "Ressurection," "The Village," "Ruslan and Lyudmila,"Sophie's Choice," "The Artamonov Business," "A House of Gentlefolk," "Under the Yoke," "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" and "The Night of the Iguana" for Cyclopedia of Literary Places, Salem Press, March 2003.
  • Article: "Vassily Aksyonov" and article revisions: "Vaclav Havel" and "Tadeusz Rozewicz" for Critical Survey of Drama, Second Revised Edition, Salem Press, 2003.
  • Articles: "c. 2600 bce -- Leizi (Si Ling-chi; Chinese emperor Huangdi's wife/consort) discovers silk making," "2112 bce -- Ur-Nama establishes the earliest known law code," and "c. 1000-690 bce -- Cimmerians flourish in Russian-Ukrainian area" for Great Events from History: The Ancient World, Salem Press, (forthcoming).
  • Articles: "Christina of Markyate" and "Tamar" for Great Lives form History: The Middle Ages and Pre-Renaissance, Salem Press, (forthcoming).
  • Articles: "484: White Huns Raid India," "c. 1000: Hindi/Urdu Becomes Indian Lingua Franca," "1012: Rice Is Introduced into China," and "1387: Chinese 'Eight-Legged Essay' (Chinese civil service system, education)" for Great Events from History: The Middle Ages and Pre-Renaissance, Salem Press, (forthcoming).
  • Articles: "J. Edgar Hoover," "Damn Yankees," and "Herman Wouk" for The Fifties in America, Salem Press, (forthcoming).
  • Article: "Robert Munford" for Writers of the American Revolution, Dictionary of Literary Biography, (forthcoming).
  • Article: "1581-1587, Cossacks annex much of Siberia to Russia" for Great Events from History: The Renaissance, 1454-1600, Salem Press, (forthcoming).
  • Articles: "Atahualpa" and "Paleologus, Sophia" for Great Lives from History: The Renaissance, 1454-1600, Salem Press, (forthcoming).
  • Article: "Goddess of Democracy (statue)" for Historical Dictionary of Sino-American Relations, McFarland and Co. (forthcoming).
  • Articles: "Baikonur," "Huron, Lake," "Ontario, Lake," "Rocky Mountains," "Sinai Peninsula," "Time Zones," "Plate Tectonics," "Tornadoes," and "Sunspots" for Encyclopedia of World Geography, Facts on File, (forthcoming).
  • Articles: "Evolution," "New York," "Progress," "Capital Punishment," "Mulattoes," and "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" for The World of Frederick Douglass, volume 2 of the African-American History Reference Series, Oxford University Press, (forthcoming).
  • Articles: "Absinthe," "Goth," L. Ron Hubbard," "Mad Magazine," McCarthyism," and "John Reed" for The Encyclopedia of the American Counterculture, M. E. Sharp, (forthcoming).
  • Articles: "anti-abortion/pro-life," "Family First," "Edward Bellamy," "Civil liberties," and "Censorship (right)" for The Encyclopedia of Politics: The Left and Right, Sage Publications, (forthcoming).
  • Articles: "Rebellion," "Russia," and "Slavery" for The Encyclopedia of Themes in Science Fiction and Fantasy, Greenwood Publishing, (forthcoming).
  • Article: "Social Impact" for The Iron and Steel Industry, series The Industrial Revolution in America, ABC-Clio (forthcoming)
  • Articles: "Cecil De Mille," "J. Edgar Hoover," "David Sarnoff," "Al Capone," "Henry Ford," "Air Conditioning," "RCA," "Appliances, household," "Electrity, domestic," "American Farm Bureau Federation," "American Federation of Labor," "Steel Strike of 1919," and "Ponzi Scheme" for The Encyclopedia of the Jazz Age, M. E. Sharp (forthcoming).
  • Articles: "Robert H. Goddard," "Lee De Forest," "David Sarnoff," "John Bardeen," "William Shockley," "Walter Brattain," "Herman Wouk," "David Byrne," and "Franklin Boggs" for America at War on the Home Front, Greenwood Press (forthcoming).
  • Various short stories and miscellaneous articles

Shows and Exhibits

  • Juried
    • Herrinfesta Italiana Art Show, 1999
    • John A. Logan College Juried Student Show, 1999
    • Illinois Community College Juried Art Exhibition, 1999
    • Great Rivers Art Show, 1998
  • Non-juried
    • 1999 People's Art Show
    • 64th Annual Amateur Spring Art Show, Paducah, 1999
    • Various science fiction convention art shows
    • Provided art for showing of Cinderella at the Studio Theater Company, Carbondale