Ledge Point, Western Australia

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Ledge Point is a small coastal township about 100 km north of Perth, Western Australia. It was established to service the local fishing and crayfishing industries.

The area is well known as a windsurfing venue, and in January each year the prestigious Ledge Point to Lancelin Windsurfing Classic draws competitors from around the world.

In 1963, divers discovered the wreck of the Dutch ship Vergulde Draeck (Gilt Dragon) which sunk after striking a nearby reef on April 28, 1656. This was one of the earliest European ships to visit Australia. In 1972, a full expedition was mounted to systematically excavate the remains of the ship's cargo and fittings, but damage by looters had left little intact. Nevertheless, over several months a quantity of artefacts was recovered and which are now displayed at the Maritime Museums in Geraldton and Fremantle.

[edit] See also