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For the journalism term lede, see News style.
Province: East Flanders
District: Aalst
Area: 29.69 km²
Population: 17,068 (2006)
Population density: 575 /km²

Lede is a municipality located in the Belgian province of East Flanders. The municipality comprises the towns of Impe, Lede proper, Oordegem, Smetlede, Wanzele and Papegem. On January 1st, 2006 Lede had a total population of 17,068. The total area is 29.69 km² which gives a population density of 575 inhabitants per km². The current mayor of Lede is Geert Grepdon, from the VLD (Liberal) party.

Lede is known for a specific statue of St-Mary, "Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-van-Zeven-Smarten", which has magical powers attributed to it according to a local myth, making Lede into a local pelgrimage destination. The statue is taken around in a procession during a Sunday in June, after the biannual nine-day festival. The local church, built in 1496, houses the statue.

The website of Lede

Flag of East Flanders
Municipalities in the province of East Flanders, Flanders, Belgium
Flag of Belgium
Aalst: | Aalst | Denderleeuw | Erpe-Mere | Geraardsbergen | Haaltert | Herzele | Lede | Ninove | Sint-Lievens-Houtem | Zottegem |
Dendermonde: | Berlare | Buggenhout | Dendermonde | Hamme | Laarne | Lebbeke | Waasmunster | Wetteren | Wichelen | Zele |
Eeklo: | Assenede | Eeklo | Kaprijke | Maldegem | Sint-Laureins | Zelzate |
Ghent: | Aalter | Deinze | De Pinte | Destelbergen | Evergem | Gavere | Ghent | Knesselare | Lochristi | Lovendegem | Melle | Merelbeke | Moerbeke | Nazareth | Nevele | Oosterzele | Sint-Martens-Latem | Waarschoot | Wachtebeke | Zomergem | Zulte |
Oudenaarde: | Brakel | Horebeke | Kluisbergen | Kruishoutem | Lierde | Maarkedal | Oudenaarde | Ronse | Wortegem-Petegem | Zingem | Zwalm |
Sint-Niklaas: | Beveren | Kruibeke | Lokeren | Sint-Gillis-Waas | Sint-Niklaas | Stekene | Temse |