Lavan Firestorm

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Herald Lavan Chitward, known as Firestarter, and Firestorm; or more commonly Herald Lavan Firestorm is a fictional character in the book Brightly Burning, by Mercedes Lackey.

Lavan Firestorm is also referenced as a legend the books that follow in the Valdemar timeline. This article references the fictional organizations and locations used in the book.


[edit] Lavan Chitward, Academy Student

The youngest son of nouveau riche merchants, Lavan Chitward is given the opportunity to study at the Academy in Haven. His small stature, as well as relative youth, contribute to his becoming a favorite target of a group of older students. Soon after the bullying starts, a powerful headache renders Lavan unable to continue school.

The older students believe the headaches were a flimsy excuse to avoid them. They retaliate by seeking him out before and after school, increasing their torment. It is during one such session where Lavan loses control and strikes out with his "Gift", killing his tormentors in a fiery rage. He is taken, unconscious, to the Healers Wing at the Palace.

[edit] Trainee Lavan, Chosen of Kalira

During his recovery, Lavan is questioned at length by the Herald Pol as to the nature of the fire at the Academy. When the questions begin to frighten and anger him, Lavan's Firestarting Gift slips his tenuous hold. In an act of desperation, he is able to turn its effects away from the Herald and toward the large torches in the gardens.

It is now, while Herald Pol and a city guard are discussing the fate of the boy responsible for the deaths at the Academy, that Lavan is accosted by Kalira. Kalira is a Companion, one of the horse-like spirit-creatures responsible for choosing Valdemar's Heralds; and she Chooses Lavan, bonding with him. It is through this bonding that Lavan gains his slim control over his terrible power.

[edit] Herald Lavan Firestorm, Hero of Burning Pines

The Karse Army poised at the border, Herald Lavan travels to the battlefield with Herald Pol, the Herald's wife, and the Herald's daughter. It is during this journey the group is ambushed, and Pol is seriously injured. Lavan uses the guilt and anger he feels because of the ambush to fuel a fiery attack against the Karsite encampment.

It is another, ultimately fatal, battle which earned Herald Lavan the cognomen "Firestorm". In the Battle of Burning Pines, Herald Lavan singlehandedly defeated the Karsite army by providing a series of obstacles in the path of the rush. A wall of flame immolated the first rush of foot soldiers. A second push was delayed by large, random spouts of fire. But the final blow was struck as an assassin's arrow killed the Companion Kalira. Without Kalira to keep him sane, Lavan unleashes the full effects of his power. Only Pol and the other Herald's "Mindspeaking" abilities allows the Valdemaran army to limit their losses to the inferno that Lavan sets upon the Karsites. Lavan dies in the resulting fire.

[edit] References in Other Books

Exile's Honor 
Herald Myste notes that the Karsite "Nightstalkers" have not approached the border since the time of Lavan.
Arrow's Fall 
Herald Griffon (another Firestarter) remarks about Lavan's death after dealing with a Hardonnen Mage.
Books in the Velgarth series by Mercedes Lackey
The Mage Wars: The Black Gryphon | The White Gryphon | The Silver Gryphon

The Last Herald-Mage: Magic's Pawn | Magic's Promise | Magic's Price
The Legend of Lavan Firestorm: Brightly Burning
Vows and Honor: The Oathbound | Oathbreakers | Oathblood
Heralds of Valdemar: Exile's Honor | Exile's Valor | Take a Thief | Arrows of the Queen | Arrow's Flight | Arrow's Fall
Kerowyn's Tale: By the Sword
The Mage Winds: Winds of Fate | Winds of Change | Winds of Fury
The Mage Storms: Storm Warning | Storm Rising | Storm Breaking
The Owl Mage: Owlflight | Owlsight | Owlknight