Laulu Fetauimalemau Mata'afa

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Masiofo Laulu Fetaui Mata'afa also known as Fetaui Mata'afa, was a former member of the Samoan Parliament (HRPP). She was the second woman to be elected to the Samoan parliament. Prior to her marriage to Fiame Mata'afa Faumuina Mulinu’u II, C.B.E., Samoa's first Prime Minister, she was a high school teacher. As she held the Chiefly Orator's title "Laulu" in the village of Lotofaga, upon her husband's death she was able to contest his seat and was elected to parliament. She represented the constituency of Lotofaga for two terms.

She was appointed Consul General to New Zealand in 1989 by Prime Minister Tofilau Eti Alesana and latter became High Commissioner to New Zealand in 1999.

She has also been the Pro-Chancellor of the University of the South Pacific as well as the National Secretary of the Samoan National Council of Women.

Her father Le Mamea Matatumua Ata was a Framer of the Samoan Constitution.

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