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Lattella is a soft drink, produced in Austria by the company Tirol Milch. It is a whey drink and is sweet and available in different tastes.

The Lattella brand was bought by Danone in 1997.

Logo of Lattella
Logo of Lattella

[edit] External links

  • Lattella official web site (Flash only)
Groupe Danone Co.

Corporate Directors: Bruno Bonnell | Richard Goblet d'Alviella | Michel David-Weill | Emmanuel Faber | Jean Laurent | Hirokatsu Hirano | Bernard Hours | Christian Lauble | Hakan Mogren | Jacques Nahmlas | BenoƮt Potier | Franck Riboud | Jacques Vincent

Products: Actimel | Activia | Evian | Lattella | Volvic

Annual Revenue: $18.6 billion USD (12% FY 2004) | Employees: 89,449 | Stock Symbol: Euronext: BN NYSE: DA | Website:

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