Large Spotted Genet

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iLarge-spotted Genet

Conservation status

Least concern (LR/lc)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Viverridae
Subfamily: Viverrinae
Genus: Genetta
Species: G. tigrina
Binomial name
Genetta tigrina
Schreber, 1776

The Large Spotted Genet (Genetta tigrina), also known as the Blotched Genet, is a carnivore mammal, related to linsangs and civets. It can be found in Africa from Senegal to Somalia, and south to Namibia and South Africa, though is absent from the continent's southwestern arid zones. Like other genets, it is nocturnal and arboreal.

Similar in appearance to the Common Genet (G. genetta), the Large Spotted Genet has yellowish-grey fur with rust-coloured and black rosettes, with a black and white tail. Individuals from drier areas of South Africa tend to have lighter colours and less stark patterns, while the opposite is the case in moister areas. Melanistic individuals are not unknown.

Its diet is varied, and includes rodents, birds, reptiles, fruit, and invertebrates. Like all viverrids, it has strong scent glands which it uses to mark its territory.

The Large Spotted Genet is one of the species of genet kept as exotic pets, in the U.S.A. and elsewhere.

[edit] References

Lioncrusher's Domain

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