Languages of Mexico

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Mexico has a wide linguistic diversity; apart from Spanish, the government recognizes 62 indigenous Amerindian languages as national languages. According to the Council for the Development of the Indigenous Peoples (CDI), 13% of the population is of Amerindian origin; nonetheless only 6% of the population speaks an Indigenous language.

Indigenous languages of Mexico
Language Speakers
Nahuatl (Mexicano, Mexicanero, Nahuat, Nahual) 1.659.029
Yukatek Maya (Maaya t'aan) 892.723
Mixtec (Tu'un sávi) 510.801
Zapotec (Binizaa) 505.992
Tzotzil Maya (Batsil k'op) 356.349
Tzeltal Maya (K'op o winik atel) 336.448
Otomí (Hñä hñü) 327.319
Totonac (Tachihuiin) 271.847
Mazatec (Ha shuta enima) 246.198
Ch'ol (Mayan) (Winik) 189.599
Huasteco (Téenek) 173.233
Chinantec (Tsa jujmí) 152.711
Mazahua (Jñatio) 151.897
P'urhépecha (Tarascan) (P'urhépechas) 136.388
Mixe (Ayüük) 135.316
Tlapanec (Me'phaa) 119.497
Tarahumara language (Rarámuri) 87.721
Mayo (Yoreme) 60.093
Amuzgo (Tzañcue) 48.843
Chatino (Cha'cña) 47.762
Tojolab'al (Tojolwinik otik) 44.531
Popoluca (Zoquean) (Tuncápxe) 44.237
Chontal de Tabasco (Yokot t'an) 43.850
Huichol (Wixárika) 36.856
Mayo (Yoreme) 34.770
Tepehuán (O'odham) 30.339
Trique (Tinujéi) 24.491
Cora (Naáyarite) 19.512
Popoloca (Oto-manguean) 18.926
Huave (Ikoods) 16.135
Cuicatec (Nduudu yu) 15.078
Yaqui (Yoreme) 15.053
Q'anjob'al 10.833
Tepehua (Hamasipini) 10.625
Pame (Xigüe) 9.768
Mam (Qyool) 8.739
Chontal de Oaxaca (Slijuala sihanuk) 5.534
Chuj 2.143
Tacuate (Mixtec de Santa María Zacatepec) (Tu'un Va'a) 2.067
Chichimeca jonaz (Úza) 1.987
Guarijío (Makurawe) 1.905
Chocho (Runixa ngiigua) 1.078
Pima (O'odham) 836
Q'eqchí (Q'eqchí) 835
Lacandón (Hach t'an) 731
Jakaltek (Abxubal) 584
Matlatzinca/Ocuilteco (Tlahuica) 522
Seri (Concaac) 518
Ixcatec 406
K'iche' 286
Kaqchikel 230
Paipai (Akwa'ala) 221
Cucapá (Es péi) 206
Mototzintleco (Qatok) 186
Kumiai (Ti'pai) 185
Pápago (Tohono o'odam) 153
Kikapú (Kikapooa) 144
Ixil 108
Cochimí (Laymón, mti'pá) 96
Kiliwa (Ko'lew) 55
Aguacatec 27
Other languages 1 337

1 Including: ópata, soltec y papabucan

Source: CDI (2000) [1]


[edit] Legislation

Spanish is the predominant language of Mexico and de facto official language. Nonetheless, the second article of the constitution defines the country as a pluricultural nation, and recognizes the right of the indigenous peoples to "preserve and enrich their languages..." and promotes "bilingual and intercultural education" [2].

In 2003 the Mexican Congress approved the "General Law of linguistic Rights of the Indigenous Peoples" which recognizes that Spanish and the Indigenous languages of México are "national languages" due to their historical background and "have the same validity in their territory, location and context". This law allows indigenous peoples to present and request official documents in their respective language. The state commits to the preservation and promotion of the use of the national languages through the activities of the "Institute of Indigenous Languages" [3].

With around ten million speakers of an indigenous language Mexico has the second largest portion of speakers of Native american languages of the Americas after Peru. However in percentual figures the population is relatively smaller than countries as Guatemala (42,8%) and Perú (35%), and even Ecuador (9,4%) and Panamá (8,3%) [4], and also Paraguay and Bolivia.

Other than the Nahuatl languages no indigenous language of Mexico has more than a million speakers. Nahuatl is among the native American languages with largest populations along with Quechua, aymara and guaraní and some Mayan languages.

[edit] Process of marginalization of the indigenous languages of Mexico

A page of the Florentine Codex written in Nahuatl.
A page of the Florentine Codex written in Nahuatl.

A slow process of displacement of the indigenous languages began from the arrival of the Spanish and the Spanish language in Mexico. Although in the beginning of colonization efforts were made by some monks and priests to describe and classify the indigenous languages (in order to facilitate the conversion of those peoples to Christianity) the Catholic Church also served as the first instrument of replacing the indigenous languages with Spanish. Philip II of Spain had decreed in 1570 that Nahuatl should become the official language of the colonies of New Spain in order to facilitate communication between the Spanish and natives of the colonies. However, in 1696 Charles II made a counter decree banning the use of any languages other than Spanish throughout the Spanish Empire. (Cifuentes, 1998). Starting from the 1700's decrees ordering the "hispanization" of the indigenous populations became more numerous, which lead to the colonizers giving up on learning the indigenous languages.

After the independence the liberal governments began undertaking steps towards building an educational system primarily aimed at the hispanization of the native populations. The idea was that this would help the indigenous peoples become a more integrated part of the new Mexican nationality.

Other than during the Second Mexican Empire, lead by Maximilian I of Mexico, no other Mexican government had tried to prevent the loss of the indigenous language during the 19th century. [citation needed]

In 1889, Antonio García Cubas calculated the percentage of indigenous speakers of Mexico to be 38%. This is contrast to previously recorded figures that calculated 60% in 1820. By the end of the 20th century this had become only 6%. [citation needed]

During the 20th century the policy of the Mexican governments and their officials was to deny any status as valid languages to native tongues. During this time indigenous students were forbidden to speak native languages in their schools and were often punished for doing it.

In 1992 the fourth article of the constitution was amended with the purpose of reinforcing the pluricultural nature of the Mexico by giving the State the obligation of protecting and nurturing the expressions of this diversity. On June 14, 1999, the Council of Writers in Indigenous Languages presented Congress with a document titled "Suggestion of legal initiatives towards linguistic rights of indigenous peoples and communities", with the intent to begin the protection of the indigenous communities' linguistic rights. In December 2002 the Ley General de Derechos Lingüísticos de los Pueblos Indígenas was approved. This law establishes a framework for the conservation, nurturing and development of indigenous languages. This law, however, has been criticised for having complex structure which hinders its actual application (Cuevas, 2004: 13).

[edit] Classification

The following is a classification of the 62 Indigenous languages grouped by family:

Language families with members north of Mexico

Language families with all known members in Mexico

Language family with members south of Mexico

Language isolates:

*In danger of extinction.

Maps of indigenous languages of México
Languages with more than 100 thousand speakers. Languages with more than 20 thousand but less than 100 thousand speakers languages with less than 20 thousand speakers

[edit] Other languages

The "pluricultural" composition of Mexico, according to the constitution, has its roots in the indigenous peoples. However, apart from Spanish, the government does not recognize any other non-indigenous language spoken by immigrants and their descendants, even if the numer of speakers is greater than that of some of the 62 national languages.

Some of the non-indigenous languages spoken in Mexico are: English (by British, and more recently American immigrants, as well as by the residents of border states), German (mainly in Mexico City and Puebla), Arabic, Venetian (in Chipilo), French, Chinese, Korean, Ladino, Plautdietsch and others in smaller numbers. Of these, Venet and Plautdietsch are spoken in isolated communities or villages, while the rest are spoken by immigrants or their descendants that tend to live in the larger cities and towns.

[edit] References

  • Cifuentes, Bárbara (1998): Letras sobre voces. Multilingüismo a través de la historia. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social - Instituto Nacional Indigenista. Historia de los Pueblos Indígenas de México. México. ISBN 968-496-338-6
  • Cuevas, Susana (2004): Ley de Derechos Lingüísticos en México. En Accessed in August 2006.
  • The corresponding article (Lenguas de México) on the Spanish Wikipedia (revision as of August 11, 2006).

[edit] External links

  • CDI
  • "¿Qué lengua hablas?", a portal that contains multimedia files of phrases spoken in some of the national Indigenous languages.

In other languages