Lancer-class Frigate

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Star Wars craft
Image:Lancer Frigate.jpg
Manufacturer Kuat Drive Yards
Specification Lancer-Class Frigate
Type Heavy Starfighter/Shuttle Carrier
Length 250 meters long
Weapons 20 Quad laser cannons
Shield Unknown
Hull Unknown
Crew 850
Top Speed Unknown
Troop Capacity Imperial stormtroopers
Affiliation Imperial Remnant
Cargo Capacity Unknown
Passengers Unknown

Lancer-class Frigates are combat spaceships in the Star Wars fictional universe, appearing in the Expanded Universe of novels and computer games.


[edit] Overview

The Lancer-class Frigate was first commissioned after the battle of Yavin. Having come to a somewhat belated awareness of the danger Rebel starfighters posed, a group of Imperial Admirals led by Admiral Drez proposed the creation of a capital ship for use against them. The Lancer was designed and built by Kuat Drive Yards, which borrowed from existing KDY hull designs. It was designed to serve a highly specialized function, and it excels when used against enemy starfighters, but due to various design flaws and a prohibitive cost the Lancer was not built in large numbers.

[edit] Design Specifications

The Lancer Frigate is 250 meters long, and has superficial hull similarities to the older Katana fleet dreadnoughts. It carries a crew of 850, 40 of which are gunners for the weapons emplacements. The Lancer carries 20 Corellian AG-2G Quad Laser Cannons spaced evenly around the hull. Each gun is mounted in its own turret to maximize the ship's firing arc. This configuration makes the Lancer very efficient against starfighters; however, unlike its larger cousin the Nebulon-B Frigate it mounts no turbolasers and so is vulnerable to other capital ships. Each quad laser cannon battery also has the firepower of four TIE bombers.

The ship's engines are not extremely powerful, but suffice to accelerate the ship to slightly faster than the top speed of a Y-wing.

[edit] Tactical Use

As the name indicates, the Lancer serves primarily as a screening vessel for the larger ships in the Imperial Navy, notably the Star Destroyer. Initially, Navy doctrine placed these ships on the perimeter, but it was found that they were picked off too easily by Rebel capital ships. Following this unfortunate discovery, doctrine was altered and it became standard operating procedure to place Lancer frigates closer to other capital ships, providing flanking support for the Star Destroyers which could provide covering fire against the larger Rebel cruisers.
Grand Admiral Thrawn was particularly adept at the use of Lancers, and examples of their use against Rebel fleets and starfighter squadrons may be found throughout The Thrawn Trilogy.

[edit] References
Galactic Empire Databank
The Dark Force Rising Sourcebook

Further information: List of Star Wars vehicles
See also: Expanded Universe (Star Wars)

Vehicles of the Galactic Empire
Entries in italics denote vehicles from the Expanded Universe
Ground vehicles
AT-ST | AT-AT | AT-TE | 74-Z Speeder Bike | Juggernaut | AT-PT | TIE crawler
TIE Fighter | TIE Interceptor | TIE Bomber | TIE Advanced x1 | TIE Avenger | TIE Defender | TIE/D fighter

TIE Hunter | TIE Phantom | Assault Gunboat | Missile Boat | Skipray Blastboat | A-9 Vigilance

Capital ships
Star Destroyer | Super Star Destroyer | Executor | Nebulon-B Frigate | Corellian Corvette

Lancer-Class Frigate | Interdictor Cruiser | Carrack-Class Light Cruiser

Lambda-class shuttle | Death Star | Walker Dropship | World Devastator | Sun Crusher
See also
Star Wars air vehicles | Star Wars aquatic vehicles | Star Wars ground vehicles | Star Wars starfighters | Star Wars support craft

List of vehicles | List of minor vehicles