Talk:Ladislaus Hengelmuller

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[edit] Translation needed

This is from, and is probably Hungarian:


László (hengervári), diplomata, szül. Pesten 1845., H. Mihály volt udvari tanácsos és váltótörvényszéki elnöknek fia. Bécsben és Pozsonyban végezte a gimnáziumot, Bécsben pedig a keleti akadémiát. Azután a diplomáciai pályára lépett és előbb Szerbiában működött mint miniszteri ranggal felruházott osztrák-magyar követ 1889-ig, Milán király lemondása után pedig Braziliába helyeztettett át, honnan 1894. ősszel visszahívták. 1894 dec. New-Yorkba küldték követnek.

Posted by Elonka 10:36, 9 January 2006 (UTC)

(translation) Hengervari Laszlo, diplomat, born in Pest, 1845, Mihaly Hengervari's son. His father was the king's counsel and president at the bill court. Laszlo H. went to high school in Vienna and in Pressburg (now Bratislava), and then went to "Eastern" academy in Vienna. Later he changed to a diplomatic career and worked in Serbia as an ambassador with the rights of a minister until 1889. After the resignation of King Milan he was moved to Brasil, from where he was withdrawn in 1894. In 1894 he was sent to New York to represent Austria-Hungary. (Posted 01:23, April 11 2006 by User:
Great information, thank you! Can you explain more about what a "bill court" is? I am not familiar with the term. Also, when posting on a discussion page, if you can, please add 4 tildes (~~~~) after your post. This puts a datestamp on them and makes conversations a bit easier to follow. Glad to see you on Wikipedia! --Elonka 16:27, 11 April 2006 (UTC)