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Ladros is a fictional Middle-earth highland of the region northeast of Dorthonion. It was briefly a fief by the House of Bëor, but lost to Morgoth in the Dagor Bragollach.

There have been three Lords of Ladros: Boromir, Bregor and Bregolas. Strictly speaking, Bregolas' brother Barahir has also been Lord of Ladros, but he never reigned his fief. In Bregolas' time, Morgoth overwhelmed Dorthonion and Ladros in the Dagor Bragollach, in which Bregolas himself was slain. His brother Barahir and twelve faithful men, including his son Beren, became outlaws in their own land, assaulting Morgoth's forces from their hidden lair at Tarn Aeluin on the southern borders of Ladros. They were betrayed by Gorlim the Unhappy, and all were slain but Beren, who escaped into the south. After this time, Ladros fell under the spell of Morgoth until it was swallowed by the Great Sea at the end of the First Age.

Realms from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium during the First Age
Noldorin realms Dor-lómin | Dorthonion | East Beleriand | Gondolin | Himlad | Hithlum | Maglor's Gap | March of Maedhros | Nargothrond | Nevrast | Thargelion | Tol Sirion
Sindarin realms Falas | Doriath
Avarin and Nandorin realms Dorwinion | Lórinand | Ossiriand
Realms of the Edain (Men) Brethil | Dor-lómin | Estolad | Ladros
Realms of the Ents Fangorn forest | Forests of Eriador | Forests of South Beleriand
Realms of the Dwarves Belegost | Khazad-dûm | Nogrod
Realms of the enemy Angband | Dor Daedeloth | Utumno

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