La traviata

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La traviata is an opera in four acts by Giuseppe Verdi set to an Italian libretto by Francesco Maria Piave. It takes as its basis the novel La dame aux Camélias by Alexandre Dumas, fils, published in 1848. It was first performed at the Teatro la Fenice in Venice, on March 6, 1853. The title "La traviata" means literally The Woman Who Strayed, or perhaps more poetically The Lost One. The opera is immensely popular; according to Opera America, La Traviata is the third most performed opera in North America, behind only Madama Butterfly and La bohème.

A film version of the opera was released in 1982, directed by Franco Zeffirelli and featuring Teresa Stratas, Plácido Domingo and Cornell MacNeil. Various versions of the movie Camille were also adapted from the same novel. Baz Luhrmann's 2001 film Moulin Rouge! was also inspired by the story.


[edit] Plot

Place: Paris and vicinity.
Time: about 1700. (Many modern producers of La traviata set the opera in the 19th century.)

Main characters:

  • Violetta Valery, courtesan (soprano)
  • Alfredo Gérmont, young nobleman (tenor)
  • Giorgio Gérmont, his father (baritone)

other roles:

  • Flora Bervoix, (mezzo-soprano)
  • Annina, (soprano)
  • Gastone, (tenor)
  • Barone Douphol, (baritone)
  • Marchese d'Obigny, (bass)
  • Dottor Grenvil, (bass)
  • Giuseppe, (tenor)
  • Domestico di Flora, (bass)
  • Commissionario, (bass)

Violetta Valery, a famed courtesan, throws a lavish party at her Parisian abode to celebrate her recovery from an illness. Gaston, a count, has brought with him his friend the young nobleman Alfredo Germont, who has longed for a year to meet Violetta. Alfredo, upon introduction to Violetta, expresses his concern for her fragile health and later declares his love for her. Violetta rejects him but gives him a camellia, telling him to return when the flower has wilted. After the guests leave, Violetta contemplates the possibility of a real relationship with true love, but finally rejects the notion. She needs freedom to live life, night and day, from one pleasure to another.

A few months later, Alfredo and Violetta together lead an idyllic existence in a country house outside of Paris — Violetta has fallen in love with Alfredo in spite of herself. She has completely abandoned her former life. When Alfredo discovers, however, that Violetta has sold her belongings to support this country life, he rushes to Paris to rectify the situation. In Alfredo's absence, his father comes to Violetta and tells her that their relationship has destroyed Alfredo's future and the fortunes of Alfredo's sister (Violetta's reputation as a courtesan has compromised the Germont name). With growing remorse she listens to the pathetic words of the older Germont and, through his influence, leaves Alfredo, giving as explanation a desire for her old, wild existence.

In order to overcome her grief, Violetta plunges more deeply than ever into dissipation. Some time later, Alfredo confronts Violetta at a party and disgraces her before the other guests by throwing money at her — money he says he owes her for services rendered while they lived together in the country. (He does not know of his father's visit and believes that Violetta has left him for another man.) Violetta, overcome with sickness and sorrow, faints. Germont enters and chastises Alfredo for treating a woman so disrespectfully. Baron Douphol, Violetta's escort, challenges Alfredo to a duel. Violetta regains consciousness and pleads her love for Alfredo.

A few months after the party, tuberculosis (or "consumption" in 19th-century opera vernacular) has confined Violetta to her bed. Old Germont sends her a letter stating that he has informed Alfredo of the sacrifice Violetta made for Alfredo and his sister. Alfredo (returning from exile after wounding the Baron in their duel), hastens to her side, understanding at last that Violetta had sacrificed herself for his sake, and begs her forgiveness. She dies in his arms.

[edit] Structure

[edit] ACT I

Violetta's home. Ensemble of the guests.

  • Drinking song -- Brindisi, Alfredo and Violetta: Libiamo ne' lieti calici -- "Let's drink from the happy goblets"
  • Alfredo and Violetta's duet: Un di, felice, eterea -- "That day I've never forgotten"
  • Chorus: Si ridesta in ciel l'aurora -- "The dawn reawakens in the sky"
  • Scene and aria of Violetta: É strano -- "It is strange"
  • Ah, forse lui -- "Perhaps he is the one" and Sempre libera -- "Always free"

[edit] ACT II

At a country house.

  • Alfredo's scene: Lunge da lei per me non v'ha diletto -- "Far from her there's no joy"
  • Aria: De miei bollenti spiriti -- "Of my ardent spirit"
  • Scene and duet, Violetta, Germont's father: Mademoiselle Valery?
  • Pura siccome un angelo, Iddio mi dié una figlia -- "Pure as an angel, God gave me a daughter"
  • Scene, Violetta, Alfredo: Che fai? -- "What are you doing?"
  • Scene of Alfredo and aria of Germont: Di Provenza il mar, il suol -- "Of Provence the sea, the land"

[edit] ACT III

(Often played as the second scene of Act II.) At Flora's house.

  • Scene and masked gipsy chorus: Noi siamo zingarelle -- "We are gipsy girls"
  • Chorus of bull-fighters: Di Madride noi siam mattadori -- "From Madrid we are matadors"
  • Scene between Violetta, Germont and Alfredo. Violetta: Questa donna conoscete? -- "Do you know this woman?"

[edit] ACT IV

Bedchamber of Violetta.

  • Scene between Violetta, Annina and physician. Violetta reads the letter of Germont. Addio del passato -- "Farewell! past days of joy"
  • Scene and duet, Violetta, Alfredo: Oh mia Violetta, oh joy -- "Oh, my Violetta, oh joy" and Parigi, o cara, noi lasceremo -- "Paris, oh dear one, we will leave"
  • Aria, Violetta: Gran Dio! non posso -- "Great God, I cannot"
  • Finale, Germont, Violetta, Alfredo, with Violetta's death.

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  • Plot adapted from The Opera Goer's Complete Guide by Leo Melitz, 1921 version.