La Paz Department (Bolivia)

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Map of Bolivia showing La Paz department

The La Paz Department of Bolivia comprises 133,985 km² with a 2001 census population of 2,350,466 inhabitants. It is situated at the western border of Bolivia, sharing Lake Titicaca with Peru. It contains the mighty Cordillera Real that reaches altitudes of 6.6 kilometers (4.1 miles). Northeaast of the Cordillera Real are the Yungas, the steep eastern slopes of the Andes that make the transition to the Amazon basin. The department is divided into 20 provinces, and its capital is the city of La Paz, also the administrative capital of Bolivia.

[edit] Provinces of La Paz Department

Departments of Bolivia Flag of Bolivia
Beni | Chuquisaca | Cochabamba | La Paz | Oruro | Pando | Potosí | Santa Cruz | Tarija

[edit] External links