From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Luke Fleeman, (born September 28, 1980, in Tulare, California) is a history student at California State University, Fresno. Of Irish and German descent, Mr. Fleeman spends much of his idle time reading as many Wikipedia articles as possible.
His interests include fantasy and science fiction, religion, film, politics, history and Dungeons and Dragons.
[edit] Wikipedia Editing Style
Mr. Fleeman prefers to limit his own contributions, due to lack of time to properly research said contributions. Instead, he devotes himself to clearing up mistakes in other articles to improve their clarity and scholarly quality. His frequent targets include unneeded information and useless trivia posing as important facts.
Here a a panoply of buttons representing Mr.Fleeman's wikipedia views and interests:
Superman |
This user is neither a bird nor a plane. |
This user has been assimilated by the Borg.
Resistance is futile. |
[edit] Opinions and Foolishness
Mr. Fleeman's friends ask why he is "Always on that Wikipedia thing."
Mr. Fleeman's excessive and persistent need to read has endowed him with very strong opinons on fiction and literature. Much like authors David Brin and Michael Moorcock, Mr. Fleeman is disdainful of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien as the be-all and end-all of fantasy.
Mr. Fleeman's poltical ideas tend to generally refelct a Social Democracy point of view.
Mr. Fleeman has been accused of being obsessed with Dungeons and Dragons, and thats the way he likes it.
Though of the Christian persuasion, Mr. Fleeman is not in line with the teachings of any modern church. He considers himself a follower of older writers and theologians, such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Wycliffe.
[edit] Bragging About Minor Accomplishments
Mr. Fleeman been published in Dragon Magazine, the magazine for D&D enthusiasts, and may be again in upcoming months. He's also been published as a journalist, as well. He also collects rejection slips from Fantasy and SF magazines.
Mr. Fleeman has done work for Sabretooth games, and was at one point the highest rated L5R player in the world. He was the Mantis clan warlord and yojimbo in consecutive years. Mr. Fleeman formerly owned a hobby shop in Visalia.