Kyo Sohma

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Fruits Basket character
Kyo Sohma
Gender Male
Age 17
Height 171.3 cm (5'7")
Blood Type A
Sign Capricorn
Occupation End of Anime: 2nd Year at Kaibara High School Manga: 3rd year at Kaibara High School
Animal Cat
Seiyū Tomokazu Seki
Voice Actor Jerry Jewell

Kyo Sohma (草摩 夾 Sōma Kyō?) is a fictional character in the manga and anime series entitled Fruits Basket. He transforms into a cat whenever he is hugged by the opposite gender or his body comes under a great deal of stress. This animal, however, is not in the Chinese Zodiac. Because of this, Kyo carries a terrible curse. Kyo usually acts short-tempered, impulsive, and rude, but that is only one side to this complex character. He is also sometimes called "Kyonkyon" and "Kyonkichi", mainly by Shigure Sohma and Ayame who enjoy teasing him. One example of this is when Shigure teases him to the point where he leaves into the forest on the verge of tears.


[edit] Role in the story

[edit] Background

Kyo's mother, in despair over having her son born a 'monster', committed suicide when he was a young child of possibly four to six years old, and his father abandoned him as well, blaming Kyo for his mother's death. People have criticized Kyo throughout his life for his differences, too frightened or never bothering to glance beyond the label of 'The Cat' and regard Kyo as a true person. However, Tohru Honda accepted him later on, a true breakthrough for Kyo.

Kyo in animal form
Kyo in animal form

[edit] Relationship with Kazuma

Kyo with Kazuma
Kyo with Kazuma

Kazuma Sohma took care of Kyo when he was left an orphan, accepting the responsibility due to guilt over previous wrongs he did to his grandfather— the previous person possessed by the vengeful spirit of the cat— and because he was the only one who had any inkling of what Kyo was going through. The name of Kazuma's grandfather is unknown. Kazuma once talked about "The old Kyo" who used to blame all his problems on others but Kyo is now able to face them. Kyo learned martial arts from Kazuma, calling him Shishō ('Master').

As Kyo grew older, he started getting into trouble, but he despised that others thought there was something unnatural with Kazuma for raising him. Because of this, Kyo lied and claimed Kazuma wasn't his father, as he didn't want Kazuma to be hurt by his cursed existence. However, Kazuma did in fact desire to act as Kyo's father, but when he heard Kyo's declarations, Kazuma distanced himself because he didn't wish to force his feelings upon Kyo. Eventually, this misunderstanding was resolved with Kyo's transformation.

When Kyo was younger, Kazuma would often visit Isuzu Sohma in the hospital and invite her to stay with them. Kyo would become jealous (he and Isuzu did not get along either, often glaring at each other silently without moving for ten minutes), but in reality, Kazuma always cared for him no matter what the situation. The pair don't live together anymore because Kazuma wanted Kyo to reside at Shigure Sohma's house (where Tohru acts as the housekeeper, and so that Tohru could continue giving him the "healing effect"). Kyo still visits the dojo where he and Kazuma trained three times a week, occasionally helping out in tasks.

[edit] Relationship with Kyoko Honda

It has been shown that Kyo did in fact know Kyoko Honda before she had died. He did not know Tohru, however, he had made a promise to Kyoko to keep Tohru safe, "a man's promise". There is much unknown about their relationship, but Kyo looked up to Kyoko as a mother he lost.

Kyo did not feel comfortable going straight home to Kazuma's house when he was young, and instead wandered around a bit before doing so. One day, Kyoko stumbled upon Kyo sitting down near her workplace. The two continued to meet and talk until the day Tohru disappeared. Kyo, seeing Kyoko in despair, promised to bring back Tohru and protect her from harm. Though Kyo tried his best to find her, Yuki Sohma was the one to rescue Tohru. After hearing this, he attempted to inform Kyoko that Yuki was a rotten person. When Kyoko disagrees, he insists that even she is taking the rat's side now. Angry and embarrassed, young Kyo ceased to visit her.

The next time Kyo saw Kyoko was the day of the accident. As he wondered whether he should greet Kyoko, he noticed a car going at high speed right toward her. Kyo could have saved her by pulling her out of the way and into his arms, but he would have revealed the curse. He put the curse and Kyoko's life on the line and chose himself. As a result, Kyo feels guilty about her death. Later, it is revealed that the reason Kyo was out that day was because he wanted to meet Tohru. When Kyoko was lying on the ground covered in blood, he swears that he heard her say "I won't forgive you". Kyo, in anguish, fled. His foster father, Kazuma, seeing Kyo in such a distraught state, took Kyo in the mountains for four months of 'training'. Kazuma actually took Kyo to the mountains to keep him alive.

Upon his return, he was sent to Akito Sohma, the head of the Sohma family. Akito's taunting caused him to lose his temper and he screamed that he would beat Yuki. Akito proposed a bet: if Kyo could beat Yuki by the time he graduated from high school, he could join the Zodiac and Akito would stop calling him a monster. Naturally, Kyo was excited; the reason for his excitement wasn't that he had the chance to join the Zodiac but because now he had yet another reason to hate Yuki. After leaving, he immediately went to Shigure's house where Yuki was living. Crashing through the roof, he challenged Yuki.

Suddenly, a girl came up from behind and fell on him, causing him to transform. After changing back, Shigure told Kyo the girl's name. He was angry enough that an outsider had learned of the curse, but the part that bothered him the most was that the girl was Tohru Honda, the daughter of Kyoko.

In chapter 135, it is revealed that Kyoko did say, "I won't forgive you...". Not for the reason Kyo believed, however. Kyoko was thinking about the fact that, once she died, Tohru would be alone. In desperation, she prayed that someone would come along and take care of her daughter, and thought that, if that person were to abandon Tohru, she (Kyoko) wouldn't forgive them. She had wanted to say "If you don't protect the child, I won't forgive you." All Kyo heard, however, was that one whispered sentence.

[edit] Relationship with Tohru Honda

The first time Kyo meets Tohru, Tohru finds out the Sohma family secret. At first, it seems that Kyo truly dislikes Tohru (But he seems to dislike almost everyone). But after a while, he, like Yuki, seems to be 'drawn' to her kind heart and gentle demeanor. Gradually, after spending time with her, it is obvious that Kyo falls in love with her (which he finally confesses in his mind at the Sohma beach house in the presence of Akito). Tohru accepts Kyo in his "original form" and their relationship begins.

When Tohru discovers that Kyo is to be locked away after he finishes high school from Akito, she resolves to find a way to break the Sohma curse. She tells Rin in chapter 114 that "Kyo-kun is the most precious person to (her)" and she doesn't want him to be taken away from her. Tohru later confesses her feelings to Kyo in chapter 120 but Kyo - consumed by guilt over Kyoko's death - tells Tohru it's a delusion and runs off.

In chapter 122, as Tohru tries to befriend Akito, the ground collaspes and Tohru falls, injuring herself (possibly fatally). Akito screams for help, bringing Yuki and Shigure to Tohru's rescue. While Shigure and Yuki tend to Akito and Tohru respectively, Kyo returns to discover the incident. As he cries and begs her to be all right, Tohru regains consciousness and reassures him that she is fine, silently begging him to live on with his life even if she is not by his side. Kyo tells her not to speak and gives her what is probably her first kiss (although we learn later that she was no longer conscious at this point).

As of chapter 123, Kyo begins distancing himself from Tohru out of guilt. After Yuki beats him in order to convey to Kyo how important he is to Tohru, Kyo goes to the hospital to go see her only to find visiting hours are over (Yuki, in his anger, neglected to tell Kyo) and even if there was still time to visit, Tohru would have only been able to see family members.

Subsequently, Tohru gets better and she can now see anyone. At school, Arisa Uotani and Saki Hanajima demand to know why Kyo wishes to visit Tohru and what he would do once he visits her. They threaten to kill him (rather seriously, considering Uotani suggests using spears while Hanajima remarks that they want a method that doesn't leave physical evidence). Hanajima informs him that unless he has a clear and sincere reason for his visit, especially since he had rejected Tohru's feelings and said that they were nothing but an illusion, he has absolutely no reason to see Tohru again. Apologies with no substance and sincere understanding as to why he must apologise would only leave Tohru feeling bad.

Kyo accepts their threats without his usual outbursts, much to Yuki and Hatsuharu's surprise, and reveals that what they are saying is completely right; he cannot bear to see Tohru again until he can sort himself out and his feelings for Tohru. As of chapter 126, he confronted his estranged father to make him understand that he refused to be imprisoned, and in doing so he discovered that it may not have been his fault that his mother died after all. This was shortly before Akito told her maid she had decided that Kyo would not be imprisoned anyway, and would instead order the cat's room to be demolished.

In the meantime, Saki and Arisa inform Kyo that Tohru doesn't want him to come and visit her at the hospital (chapter 127). However, this is because she feels afraid and rejected, not because she is angry. Yuki suggests that Kyo make it a point to spend time with Tohru (and resolve the misunderstanding) when she comes back home. Arisa and Saki finally let Kyo visit Tohru in the hospital after Yuki tells him that Tohru would be discharged that day (chapter 128). However, Arisa warns Kyo that he shouldn't be surprised if she starts running away, which is exactly what Tohru does the moment she sees him. Tohru still thinks that Kyo rejected her, hence her reaction.

Kyo comments on how fast Tohru can run, but he adds that he can run faster. He finally catches up and the two make up while confessing their feelings for one another (chapter 129). They have their second kiss, though Tohru fails to remember the first kiss because she was unconscious at the time. They both hug and are surprised to discover Kyo does not tranform into a cat, indicating that he is now freed from the curse.

It is stated, in chapter 133, that Kyo and Tohru are going out with each other. This obviously triggers jealousy from other girls. One boy even asks Kyo whether this was a rumor or not, in which Kyo calmly replies that they are indeed going out together. The boy then exclaims how Kyo has changed and matured.

In chapter 134, Hana and Uotani give Kyo their blessing, in that he may marry Tohru. Later, while visiting Kyoko's grave, Kyo tells Tohru that, after graduation, he plans to move out of town and see the world like a normal person...and he hopes that she will come with him.

Tohru accepts his proposal in chapter 135, and the two make plans to move far away from where they are living now, to a dojo that Kazuma's friend has allowed them to visit.

In the final chapter (136), Kyo and Tohru are shown several years later as grandparents, married and walking in a garden while holding hands. They are finally together, never to be separated again. Their young granddaughter is also shown, though her name is not mentioned. She bears a striking resemblance to Tohru. It is unknown which of the girl's parents are Kyo and Tohru's child.

[edit] Breaking the curse

On the last page of chapter 129 the quote, "When one who was never loved is loved, that ancient promise nears the end", is read. The implication is that the cat, who was never truly loved nor ever truly falling in love, finds love at last, the curse of the Sohma family will near its end. Shigure Sohma has already noted the Sohma curse is weakening, especially considering Kureno (and later Momiji and Hiro) has been freed and Hatori's transformation is less than what was expected.

In Chapter 130, after Kyo and Tohru discover that he is free from the curse, Kyo tears off the beads on his wrist now that he no longer needs them. With the cat now free, a chain reaction begins as the remaining cursed members of the family are freed. Soon Ayame Sohma hugs Mine, Ritsu Sohma breaks a bowl in shock, and Kisa Sohma begins to cry as she plays with Hiro's baby sister. Kagura Sohma senses something has changed while she shops for groceries, as Isuzu Sohma and Hatsuharu Sohma embrace. Hatori Sohma, who was just out of the estate is freed as well while Shigure Sohma comments to himself the odd sensation of being freed. Out on a bench waiting for Machi, we see Yuki Sohma being freed from the curse as well. As Akito and the now freed Jyunishi break own in tears, a ghostly figure comes and takes the spirit of the rat away saying 'thank you for keeping your promise for such a long time'.

[edit] Gallery

[edit] External link

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Tohru and Friends
Tohru Honda | Kyoko Honda | Arisa Uotani | Saki Hanajima
The Sohmas
Akito Sohma | Yuki Sohma | Kyo Sohma | Shigure Sohma | Kisa Sohma | Hiro Sohma | Hatori Sohma | Ayame Sohma | Kazuma Sohma | Ritsu Sohma | Isuzu Sohma | Kureno Sohma | Momiji Sohma | Hatsuharu Sohma | Kagura Sohma | Ren Sohma | Akira Sohma | Momo Sohma | Satsuki Sohma
Mayuko Shiraki | Mine Kuramae | Kakeru Manabe | Machi Kuragi | Kimi Toudou | Naohito Sakuragi | Mitchan