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The Kybalion: Hermetic Philosophy is a book that was authored by three individuals calling themselves The Three Initiates. The content of this book, according to the authors, is believed to be the essence of the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus.
Contents |
[edit] General Description
The Kybalion was first published in December of 1908 and is now in the public domain. The book is included into Hermeticism with respect to its dedication, as are most books by Hermes.
[edit] The Seven Principles
The seven principles, or axioms as defined in the book are as follows:
[edit] Principle of Mentalism
The Principle of Mentalism embodies the truth that "All is Mind." This principle explains that the "ALL" as a substantial reality underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances which we know under the terms of "the material universe"; the "phenomena of life"; "matter"; "energy"; and in short, all that is apparent to our material senses. It also defines it as Spirit which is also unknowable and undefinable, but may be considered of as an universal, infinite, living mind[1].
[edit] Mental Transmutation
Mental Transmutation (also known as Mental Alchemy, the Art of Mental Chemistry, and the Art of Polarization) means the art of changing and transforming mental states, forms, and conditions, into others(chapter 3, page 45). It can also be considered a form of Mystic Psychology(chaper 2, page 35).
[edit] Principle of Correspondence
The Principle of Correspondence embodies the truth that there is always a correspondence between the laws of phenomena of the various planes of being and life[2]. As above, so below; as below, so above. This principle states that there is a harmony, agreement and correspondence between the aforementioned "planes". The planes are as follows:
- The Great Physical Plane
- The Great Mental Plane
- The Great Spiritual Plane
[edit] Principle of Vibration
The Principle of Vibration embodies the truth that motion is manifest in everything in the Universe, that nothing rests, and everything moves, vibrates, and circles (page 137). This principle explains that the differences between different manifestations of Matter, Energy, Mind, and even Spirit, are the result of only different "vibrations"[3]. The higher you are on the scale, the higher your rate of vibration will be. Here, The All is purported to be at an infinite level of vibration, almost to the point of being at rest. There are said to be millions upon millions of varying degrees between The All, and the objects of the lowest vibration [4].
Mental Transmutation is thought to be the practical application of this principle. To change your mental state-change your vibration. One may do this by an effort of Will, in the direction of deliberately fixing the "attention" upon a more desirable state[5].
[edit] Principle of Polarity
The Principle of Polarity embodies the truth that everything is dual, everything has two poles, and everything has its pair of opposites[6]. Some of the many ways to explain this principle are as follows:
All manifested things have two sides, two aspects, or two poles[7]. Everything is and isn't at the same time; all truths are but half truths and every truth is half false; there are two sides to everything; opposites are identical in nature, yet different in degree; extremes meet; all paradoxes may be reconciled[8].
[edit] Principle of Rhythm
The Principle of Rhythm embodies the truth that in everything there is manifested a measured motion, a to and fro; a flow and inflow; a swing backward and forward, in short, a pendulum-like movement[9]. This principle explains that there is rhythm between every pair of opposites, or poles, and is closely related to the Principle of Polarity[10]. It can be seen that this Principle is how you get from one pole to the other, and not necessarily poles of extremity (extreme opposites).
[edit] Principle of Cause and Effect
The Principle of Cause and Effect explains that there is a cause for every effect, and an effect for every cause[11]. It also states that there is no such thing as chance, that chance is merely a term indicating cause existing but not recognized or perceived[12]. The principle is clarified in the chapter Causation.
[edit] Principle of Gender
The Principle of Gender embodies the truth that there is gender manifested in everything[13]. It is stated the view of the authors does not relate to "sex", but to "beget; to procreate, to generate, to create, or to produce" in this respect[14]. Here, gender is manifested as the Masculine and Feminine Principles, and manifests itself on all planes.
Mental Gender is a Hermetic concept which relates to the masculine and feminine principles. It does not refer to the physical gender of someone, nor does it suggest that someone of a certain physical gender necessarily has a certain mental gender. Ideally, one wants to have a balanced mental gender.[15]
The concept and principle of gender, put forth in the Kybalion states that gender exists on all planes of existence (Physical, Mental, and Spiritual), and represents different aspects on different planes. It is also stated that everything and everyone contains these two Elements of Principles.[16]
The Masculine Principle is always in the direction of giving out or expressing, and contents itself with the "Will" in its varied phases.[17]
The Feminine Principle is always in the direction of receiving impressions, and has a much more varied field of operation than the Masculine. The Feminine conducts the work of generating new thoughts , concepts, and ideas, including the work of the imagination.[18]
It is said that there must be a balance in these two forces. The Masculine is apt to acting without restraint, order, or reason, resulting in chaos, without the Feminine. The Feminine, on the other hand, is apt to constantly reflect and fail to actually do anything, resulting in stagnation, if the masculine is not present. With both the masculine and feminine working in conjunction, you get thoughtful action that breeds success. [19]
[edit] Who Wrote The Kybalion?
The "Three Initiates" who authored The Kybalion chose to remain anoymous this has only served to deepen the mystery that sounds the work. Note, of course, that the book is actually NOT The Kyablion; it says, rather, that it is ABOUT The Kybalion, which remains unpublished except the quoted excerpts. Whether the actual Kybalion exists is therefore unprovable, or perhaps it was just an oral tradition. Were they self-proclaimed initiates or did someone or something initiate them, and into what were they initiated? And if they were initiated, who or what did it and what was the initiation?
Various schools of thought regarding authorship exist. The most popular [20] is that Paul Foster Case and Yogi Ramacharaka (a.k.a. William Walker Atkinson and/or Baba Bharata [21] were two of the "Three Initiates", with the third unknown.
Another popular theory [22] is that that Paul Foster Case co-authored the work with Michael Whitty and Charles Atkins. However within the same source, a counter-argument refutes that Case was an author, on the grounds that documented biographical facts about him rule him out.
[edit] Derivative Works
One derivative work has emerged from an esoteric organization by the name of Summum which, considering The Kybalion to be antiquated and incomplete, rewrote the text and incorporated a "grand" principle, The Principle of Creation, that Summum claims is the foundation underlying the existence of The All and the source from which the seven principles emanate. However a textual analysis of this "eighth principle" shows that it is a modern creation as the language is sharply different from and more contemporary than that of the the original seven principles; it's authenticity is therefore unproven to those outside the Summum movement.
Doreen Virtue, Ph.D, authored "Divine Magic: The Seven Sacred Secrets of Manifestation (A New Interpretation of the Classic Hermetic Manual The Kybalion" in 2006. She presents a modern, clear version of the Kybalion which includes a companion meditative CD. She states that one can learn to master one's moods, release negativity, manifest higher levels of abundance, and attract new opportunities into one's life with the aid of the teachings of the Kybalion.
[edit] Languages
A few organizations consider The Kybalion as the essential foundation of their beliefs and have translated the original text into many languages. Ultimately, The Kybalion itself claims to have influenced all major religions and philosophies ancient and modern alike.
[edit] See also
- Alchemy
- Astrology
- Emerald Tablet
- Herbert Silberer
- Hermes Trismegistus
- Hermetica
- Hermeticism
- Occultism
- Summum
- The All
- Gnosticism
- Magic
[edit] Notes
- ^ Kybalion page 26
- ^ Kybalion page 28
- ^ Kybalion page 30
- ^ Kybalion page 31
- ^ Kybalion page 214
- ^ Kybalion page 32
- ^ Kybalion page 149
- ^ Kybalion pages 149-150
- ^ Kybalion page 36
- ^ Kybalion page 159
- ^ Kybalion page 38
- ^ Kybalion page 171
- ^ Kybaliob pages 39-40
- ^ Kybalion page 183
- ^ Three Initiates pp. 193-211
- ^ (Three Initiates page 40)
- ^ (Three Initiates page 203)
- ^ (Three Initiates p. 203)
- ^ (Three Initiates pp. 203-4)
- ^
- ^
- ^