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Flag of KwaNdebele bantustan
Flag of KwaNdebele bantustan

KwaNdebele was a bantustan in South Africa, intended by the apartheid government as a semi-independent homeland for the Matabele people. The homeland was created when the South African government purchased nineteen white-owned farms and installed a government.

The homeland was granted self-rule in 1981. Siyabuswa was designated as its capital, but in 1986 the capital was relocated to KwaMhlanga.

KwaNdebele was re-integrated into South Africa on 26 April 1994. It now forms part of the Mpumalanga province.

[edit] See also

Apartheid-era Bantustans in South Africa Flag of South Africa
Bophuthatswana | Ciskei | Gazankulu | KaNgwane | KwaNdebele | KwaZulu | Lebowa | QwaQwa | Transkei | Venda
Nominally independent Bantustans are in italics