Kurt Nimmo
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Kurt Nimmo (born November 18, 1952) is an American writer, artist, and political blogger. His political commentary, fiction, poetry, and photography has appeared on numerous web sites and has been published in anthologies and small press magazines and chapbooks since the late 1970s.
Nimmo was born and spent his childhood in Detroit, Michigan. He was an anti-Vietnam war activist in 1970 and participated in the publishing of an anti-war newspaper named after the abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator. In the late 1970s, he co-edited and published a literary magazine, The Smudge, with Doug Mumm. In the early 1980s, he continued publishing literary magazines and limited edition chapbooks, most notably Planet Detroit, a quarterly magazine that published such writers as Charles Bukowski, Lyn Lifshin, Gerald Locklin, Roque Dalton, D. A. Levy, Ron Androla, Todd Moore, and others.
Following the events of September 11, 2001, Nimmo began writing for Counterpunch, a newsletter and web site published and edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair. In early 2003, he began posting his blog, Another Day in the Empire, a title he would subsequently use for a collection of writings taken from the blog, published by Dandelion Press.
"Another Day in the Empire" (2003). Dandelion Press. ISBN 189330275X