
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Copy and paste the following code (from the box, not the source!) to use this template. Change <<things inside here>> to what you want them to actually be.

{{KSRoutebox |
article_route = <<Highway #>> |
yrcom = <<Year highway was commissioned>> |
yrdecom = <<Year highway was decommissioned, "present" if current>> |
length_mi     = <<Length in miles (km will be computed by the server)>> |
cities        = <<A <br>-separated list of towns & cities highway currently
                runs through. Leave out "Kansas" to save space, e.g. [[Topeka, Kansas|Topeka]].
                Start at the eastern or northern terminus.>> |
direction_a   = <<West or South.>> |
direction_b   = <<East or North.>> |
terminus_a    = <<City of Eastern or Northern terminus.>> |
terminus_b    = <<Same as terminus_b, but Western or Southern.>> |

This template is liable to change as it is a relatively new template; please return to this page if your route should in the future look 'broken'. See the "In Practice Examples" subsection for working examples, as well.

Length: {{{length_mi}}} mi (Expression error: Unrecognised punctuation character "{" km)
Formed: {{{yrcom}}}
Decomd.: {{{yrdecom}}}
{{{direction_a}}} end: {{{terminus_a}}}
{{{direction_b}}} end: {{{terminus_b}}}
Major cities: {{{cities}}}
←{{{previous}}} {{{next}}}→