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Since I'm posting some stuff on ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plans), thought I better provide some background in case anyone asks.

I've been with ComSonics since 1983, beginning as an entry level repair technician. I became Supervisor of the Distribution Repair Department in 1987, and held that position until January of 1996 when I moved to the Management Information Systems department, where I'm currently the Information Systems Manager (notice I took out the Management word; I feel Info Sys is for everyone, not just management).

I've been active with ESOPs since 1988 when I was first elected to our Employee Advisory Committee (EAC). Since then I've served a total of 7 years on the EAC, four of those consecutively as its Chairman, which allowed me to sit on the company’s Board of Directors (quite an experience!!). I've remained very active since stepping off of the EAC; I'm currently the Vice President for the Mid-Atlantic Chapter (MAC) of The ESOP Association. I've served as a guest lecturer at Eastern Mennonite University, presented at several conferences for the Mid-Atlantic Chapter, The NY/NJ Chapter, The ESOP Association, and the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO). I've also had the privilege of speaking at various ESOP corporations and the Ohio Employee Ownership Center. I firmly believe that improved job satisfaction and productivity can be achieved through a combination of employee ownership, participative management, and effective communication.

I've was honored by both The ESOP Association and the MAC Chapter as their Employee Owner of the Year in 2001, have served on the Annual Meeting Committee, as a judge for the Annual Awards for Communications Excellence (AACE), on the Nominating Committee, and currently sit on the Board of Governors, all for The ESOP Association. In addition I was recently honored (and quite surprised) to be named as the Outstanding Member of the Board of Governors in 2006.

Feel free to contact me at work with any questions relating to employee ownership.

[edit] External links