Križna jama

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Križna jama - the port of Venice
Križna jama - the port of Venice
Subterranean isle in Križna jama
Subterranean isle in Križna jama

Križna jama (Cave of Križna or Cross Cave), located in Slovenia, is one of the most remarkable caves of the world. The cave is particularly renowned for its chain of twenty two subterranean lakes of emerald green water. The cave was first documented in 1832 but the most beautiful part of the cave which includes lakes and stream passages was first explored by Slovene cavers in 1926. At Kalvarija (the most famous symbol of Križna jama) the cave splits into two branches - Blata to the north and Pisani rov to the north-east. The passage through the Blata is harder so most explorers choose to continue along Pisani rov which requires the use of small boats. Križna jama continues into Nova Križna jama.

Pisani rov is the left gallery of Križna jama at the confluence with Blata at Kalvarija. The access requires the use of boats. Part of the way along Pisani rov is a side gallery which is named 'Matjažev rov' and contains several mighty columns. Continuing along Pisani rov the explorer enters the impressive Kristalna gora (Crystal Mountain) which is the largest chamber in the cave. The explorer can climb the mountainous pile of collapsed rocks to a point well above the stream and yet the roof still soars above him out of sight.

  • length of the cave: 8.273 m.
  • subterranean depth: -32 m.

[edit] Did you know?

  • Inside the cave there is a subterranean isle.
  • Inside the cave there are 22 lakes.

[edit] External links

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