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In the fictional Star Trek universe, kolinahr (pronounced: ko·li·naar) is the Vulcan ritual by which all remaining vestigial emotions are purged and the discipline whereby this is maintained.

Mr. Spock began the process of the kolinahr ritual after retiring from Starfleet circa 2269. As depicted in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, by 2271 Mr. Spock had completed all but the final ritual of the kolinahr, but was unable to complete the ritual after receiving powerful telepathic signals from space and experiencing strong emotions as a result. The Vulcan masters conducting the trials concluded that since Spock's human blood was touched by these messages from space, he could not have achieved Kolinahr, and the ritual was halted.

After a brief tour of duty in Starfleet, Tuvok returned to Vulcan and attempted to pursue kolinahr, but his studies were interrupted when he entered the pon farr with his new wife T'Pel. Tuvok subsequently abandoned his studies of kolinahr and returned to Starfleet.

Only the most devoted and trained Vulcan students attain Kolinahr; most Vulcans do retain control over their emotions, but do not completely eliminate them as Kolinahr adepts do.

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