Kodiak (Boy Scouts of America)

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Kodiak, and its followup Kodiak X, are the second and third level leadership development courses for Venturers in the Boy Scouts of America's Venturing program for older youth (14-21).

As with Venturing Leadership Skills Course(VLSC), all Venturers in a crew are encourage to participate in this courses, not just the crew officers. VLSC, while recommended, is not a requirement for attending Kodiak. Kodiak, along with Kodiak X, are the second and third courses in the overall Venturing youth leadership development program called Nature of Leadership. In fact, when it was first being developed, Kodiak was being offered as Nature of Leadership Treks.


[edit] Kodiak

Kodiak is presented in a six-day (or 2 weekend) high adventure trek-oriented course. It may be conducted by a crew or by a local council. Because it is offered in a trek-format, Kodiak can be incorporated into a long-term high adventure trip by a crew. It is not intended to be offered as a camp-based retreat format.

Kodiak covers five basic leadership concepts:

  • Effective Teams
  • Values/Vision
  • Communications
  • Decision Making
  • Planning

Completion of the course is recognized by the presentation of the Kodiak medal, which is worn on the left pocket. As Kodiak is a youth course, adults should not wear the medal unless they are promoting a Kodiak course they are involved with.

[edit] Kodiak X

Kodiak X is a weekend course put on by local councils, which test the skills learned in Kodiak, and builds on them. It is intended to be offered at a camp, in a retreat/activity format. At this time, the course syllabus has not been released, so no official courses have been offered.

Kodiak X adds the following leadership concepts:

  • Evaluating Performance
  • Mentoring

Completion of the course is recognized by the presentation of the Kodiak X medal (still in development), which is worn on the left pocket. As Kodiak X is a youth course, adults should not wear the medal unless they are promoting a Kodiak X course they are involved with.

[edit] Kodiak/Kodiak Course Director Course

BSA National offers a Course Director Course for those adults wishing to put on Kodiak/Kodiak X courses for their crews or in their local councils. Currently, this course is offered at Philmont Training Center and at the Florida Sea Base Conference Center. While attendance at this CDC is not required to offer a Kodiak course, it is encouraged.

[edit] External links