Kodály körönd

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Kodály körönd is a square at the intersection of Andrássy Avenue and Felsôerdôsor u., with beautifully painted old buildings and statues of four of Hungary's great heroes in each corner. It is also a station on the yellow M1 (Millennium Underground) line of the Budapest Metro. There are no turns at the intersection, but one can use a surrounding rotary instead, and the heroes are in each pie-quarter cut out by the intersection and the rotary.

mural on a building of the körönd
mural on a building of the körönd

The four heroes are:

  • Szondy György
    Szondy György
    Szondy György (?-1552) - Hero against the Ottoman invasion who, on July 9th of 1552, with his troops, stood his ground against Ali Pasha when those in neighboring castles fled.
  • Zrinyi Miklós (1508-1566) - Defender of the Kingdom of Hungary against the Ottomans.
  • Balassi Bálint (1554-1594) - Celebrated poet during the same war against the Ottomans, giving voice to love and honor.
  • Vak Bottyán (1643-1709) - "Blind Bottyán" - popular name of Bottyán János, who fought against the Ottomans under the Habsburgs, liberating Buda, but who later became a general in the war of independence against the Habsburgs under Prince Rákóczi Ferenc, 1705. He is "blind" because he lost an eye while fighting the Ottomans.

The square is likely named after Kodály Zoltán.