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MythTV's main menu, in the default blue theme
Developer: Cecil Watson
Latest release: R5D1 / August 26, 2006
Use: Personal video recorder
License: Various

KnoppMyth is a specialized distribution of Linux based on Knoppix and Debian unstable. KnoppMyth is designed to ease the installation of MythTV on a home theatre PC. It can be used to install a full MythTV client and server system, a MythTV client front-end, or upgrade an existing KnoppMyth installation.


[edit] Advantages

[edit] Ease of installation

A common complaint about MythTV is that it's difficult to install and configure. KnoppMyth is a general purpose solution which contains a completely configured MythTV installation system, as well as a full Linux system. Given a computer with common and well documented hardware, virtually no manual configuration may be necessary -- a user selecting Auto Configure only needs to specify network settings, confirm one or two settings, and wait for the week's television listings to be downloaded.

[edit] Front-end Live CD

Used as a front-end client KnoppMyth can run off a CD-ROM, but requires a network reachable MythTV back-end server.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Linux distributions
CentOSDebianFedoraGentooKnoppixMandriva LinuxRed Hat Enterprise LinuxSlackwareSUSE LinuxUbuntumore…comparison…