Knight Realms
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Knight Realms, or KR for short, is a Live action role-playing game or LARP that takes place in the fictional town of Travance. It was founded in 1998 by Robert Ph. Bean & James C. Kimball. Travance is set in a high fantasy world where magic and the fantastic are as common as the sword weilding knight. The events have a continuity and plotline that can go on for several events that are usually held once a month. Knight Realms is a 24 hour game and stresses the importance of role playing and trying to make abstract ideas like damage fit seamlessly into the gameplay.
Knight Realms events are held in both NJ during the winter and PA during summer, with fall and spring being split between the two states.
The style of LARP is a Boffer LARP, using touch-contact weapons made from foam & plastic, or foam latex. Combat between characters in the game is resolved using light touch combat, rather than dice, cards, or other purely mechanical means.