Klingon Civil War

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Klingon Civil War
Date Early 2368
Location Mempa, Qo'noS, other systems in Klingon space
Result Gowron is recognized as chancellor
Gowron loyalists House of Duras
Romulan Star Empire
Chancellor Gowron
Captain Kurn
General Martok
Commander Sela
IKS Bortas, IKS Hegh'ta, 3 squadrons of Klingon Birds-of-Prey 7 squadrons of Klingon Birds-of-Prey, Romulan supply ships
unknown at least 2 Birds-of-Prey

In the Star Trek fictional universe, the Klingon Civil War was the culmination of the power struggle between Gowron and the House of Duras, which continued even after Duras himself was killed by Lieutenant Worf in 2367.

The war began when Duras' sisters, Lursa and B'Etor, used Duras' illegitimate (and underage) son, Toral, to make a bid for the Klingon chancellorship. Captain Jean-Luc Picard, acting as arbitrator, refused to accept the bid as legitimate, at which point Toral and many Klingon members of the Council joined together in a war against Gowron.

The war proceeded with Worf and Kurn joining it on the side of Gowron, and was effectively ended when Lt. Commander Data prevented the Romulans from offering assistance to the forces of Lursa and B'Etor. The sisters escaped, but the life of captured Toral was spared at the insistence of Worf. Gowron eventually became chancellor of the Klingon Empire until his death in 2375.

The above events are seen in the episodes "Redemption, Part I" and "Redemption, Part II" of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

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