Klaus Rainer Röhl

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Klaus Rainer Röhl (born 1928) is a German journalist and writer.

Known as "K2R" he was the publisher of the left-wing monthly magazine konkret and was married to Ulrike Meinhof before she founded the Red Army Faction, also known as RAF or the "Baader-Meinhof Gang" together with Andreas Baader.

He made a dramatic swing to the right and wrote for the "Junge Freiheit" before settling for the liberal middle, the German FDP party.

[edit] Publications

Books published by Röhl include:

  • Verbotene Trauer (Forbidden Sorrow)
  • Linke Lebenslügen (Life lies of the left)
  • Lustobjekt. Ein kleiner Irrtum und seine fatalen Folgen (Object of lust. A small error and its fatal consequences)
  • Fünf Finger sind keine Faust (Five fingers are not a fist)
  • Deutsches Phrasenlexikon (German Phrase Dictionary)
  • Deutscher Narrenspiegel (The German Jester's Mirror)
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