
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All about me
This user is female.
This user was born on February 6.
This user is of Filipino ancestry.
This user is a member of WikiProject Anime and Manga.
This user has a husband.
This user has Diabetes.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
This user grew up in the suburbs.
X This user is a member of Generation X.
This user is an Aquarian.
This user's favourite colour is blue.
This user's time zone changes every so many days/weeks/months.
blf This user believes that despite her good qualities, her life is total crap.
Secondhand smoke is one of this user's pet peeves.
1+1=3? This user does not understand mathematics, or does not want to do math.
BA This user has a Bachelor of Arts degree.
This user graduated from the Academy of Art University.
This user is a professional artist.
This user is a barista.
This user lives in or hails from San Francisco.
Flag of New York
This user lives in or hails from the state of New York.


SB This user likes Starbucks.
This user drinks coffee.
This user drinks tea.
This user drinks green tea.
This user drinks bubble tea.
C This user can't make up their mind if Coke or Pepsi is better and/or drinks both. This user may prefer other soft drinks. P
 This user enjoys cooking.
C2H6O-2 This user drinks occasionally.

Various Interests

S.O.A.P. This user is a fan of Snakes on a Plane.
d'oh! This user thinks The Simpsons is simply...excellent.
This user thinks Family Guy is freakin' sweet.
This user is a fan of Sailor Moon.
らんま½ This user likes Ranma Saotome.
CCS This user is like Tomoyo; he/she likes Sakura to bits.
^_^ This user watches anime.
アニメ This user is an anime otaku.
^_^ This user reads Manga.
漫画 This user is a Manga Otaku.
This user enjoys comics.
G This user is a Gryffindor.
.  T This user puts two spaces after a period.
This user enjoys singing.
This user plays the saxophone.
sax-3 This user is an advanced saxophonist.
This user plays the guitar.
gtr-1 This user is a novice guitarist.
This user enjoys jazz music.
This user enjoys hip hop music.
This user enjoys indie rock.
80s This user enjoys 80s New Wave music.
This user can drive.
This user uses public transit.
This user supports public transit.
This user enjoys solving
Sudoku puzzles.
PS2 This user prefers the PlayStation 2 over the GameCube and Xbox.
TS Dis gweld es frotogé, en a wooka-dis now!
This user plays Dance Dance Revolution (or another dance game such as In The Groove or StepMania).
KH This user plays the Kingdom Hearts series.
AtS This user is a fan of the Angel TV Series.
BtVS This user is a fan of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV Series.
firefly This user thinks Firefly is the greatest television series ever made.
CSI This user follows the evidence.
MP This user is a fan of Monty Python.
BD This user is A Pimp Named Slickback!
rvb This user is a Red vs. Blue fanatic.
This user wants to believe.
Verifiability is policy
OS This user's got a case of the mondays.
M.D. This user likes watching House.

H This user is addicted to Vicodin.

BA This user is a fan of Blackadder.
fan-3 This user loves Duncan Sheik.
fan-3 This user loves Jim Boggia.
band-3 This user loves the band Maroon 5.
This user listens to They Might Be Giants.

Techie Stuff

This user is a blogger at CLA
Web This user has a website.
G This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
sfri This user contributes using Safari.
This user runs Mac OS X.
This user contributes using a Macintosh computer.
This user thinks Apple Computer products are cool.
This user has an iPod.
This user uses LimeWire
This user's AOL Instant Messenger screenname is amimizuno80.

Userbox Descriptions

This user is evil, and frequently says mwhahaha!
This user has a sense of humour
and shows it in their userboxes.
This user's entire personality can be summed up in a few userboxes.
This user recently discovered how to use userboxes.
This user prefers using userboxes to fill up his/her user page instead of actually writing something useful.
This user was up all night finding userboxes and is now very sleepy.
ubx-5 This user uses entirely too many userboxes.

Self-portrait of KittyConnolly

My name is Catherine Landa Connolly, and I am a freelance artist who also works as a barista (for the health benefits). On Wikipedia, I go by the handle KittyConnolly. Originally from California, I now live in the 'burbs of Rochester, New York, having recently moved from Boston, Massachusetts.

My hobbies include watching anime, reading manga, cartooning, and karaoke. I also likes playing video games (be it on my Playstation 2 or my Mac), and watching stuff recorded on my TiVo, or (most recently) on my iPod.

I'm usually on AIM under the handle amimizuno80.


[edit] My interest in Wikipedia

I first discovered Wikipedia through my husband, who would always refer me to this site whenever we discuss whatever topic comes up in our conversations (from actors to events in history and the like). Since then I find myself coming to Wikipedia a lot.

If I feel that an article is missing something, or if it's misquoted or whatnot, I'll throw in my two cents. Before, I would make edits anonymously, but now I feel that one should be given credit for an edit; thus my decision to get a Wikipedia account.

I'm still feeling my oats around this place, so if I make any kind of error please let me know. I hope to do right as a Wikipedian. ^_^

[edit] Pages I frequently read on Wikipedia

[edit] Pages I have edited/added to

At the present time, this is what I've worked on:

[edit] Top 10 Things I Personally Believe In

  • There is a bit of good in everyone, even those with the strangest quirks.
  • Everyone should have a fair chance or fair say (or both).
  • If you see someone make a mistake, don't be afraid to call them on it. After all, we do learn from our mistakes.
  • The Golden Rule: Treat others how you want to be treated. (Especially true here in Wikipedia, or any other web community.)
  • Give things a try before saying you dislike/hate/abhor them.
  • Prescription medication should be more affordable than what we, as Americans, are paying now for them. The same goes for health care in general.
  • Everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how positive or negative; wars should not start over them.
  • There is more than one way to do certain things.
  • It's okay to ask for help every now and then.
  • The kind of person you are depends on what you do with your life.