Kite shield
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A kite shield was a distinct type of shield from the 10th–12th centuries. It was either a reverse tear-drop shape or later on, flat-topped. The tapering point extended down to either a distinct or rounded point. Believed to be an evolution of the simple round shield purely to guard one whole flank of a rider when in combat, the shield gained popularity amongst professional soldiers as it allowed them to guard their foreleg when in a melee. It was either flat in section, or featured a gradual curve, to better fit the contour of the human torso, much in the style of a scutum.
The kite shield predominantly features enarmes, leather straps used to grip the shield tight to the arm. Unlike a boss, or centralised grip, this allows a greater degree of weight distribution along the arm, rather than the weight pulling on the wrist. Kite shields were strapped in a variety of different patterns, such as a simple left-right grip (where the left side strap is looser than the right, thus allowing an arm to be slid in and then grip the right strap), top-bottom (the same configuration but with the loose strap below the tight strap) and various cross-bracing (where two straps meet in an x shape). All these types of grips have appeared on various illuminated manuscripts, and it appears to have been a matter of preference which was used. The shield sometimes featured a boss, a large domed metal centrepiece, but is has been generally accepted that, unlike on earlier shields where this was a form of grip, it was merely decorative. It is also taken that a large number of kite shields featured no boss, and this was also a matter of preference. The shield was usually made from stout but light wood, such as lime, and faced in either leather or toughened fabric, such as canvas. Most shields featured some form of reinforced rim, generally toughened leather, although some historians believe the rims on certain shields would have been constructed from metal.
It could also be slung across the back when not in use. It was one of the first shields to feature arm straps rather than a centralised grip-bar. The shield is most closely associated with the Normans, who were one of the first cultures to use it widely. The kite shield began an evolution in the development of shields, changing the popular circular shape which had been dominant in Europe since at least 500 AD. The shield was phased out during the 13th–14th centuries, as limb armour became more efficient, and therefore less cover was required of shields. The resultant smaller shield that developed is referred to as heater. The kite shield can be seen throughout the Bayeux Tapestry.