Kingdom of Stormwind

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The old kingdom, from Warcraft I

The kingdom of Stormwind is a human nation in the southern Eastern Kingdoms. From Warcraft I to Warcraft III, the kingdom was referred to as Azeroth. This appears to have been retconned, as current sources refer to it as the kingdom of Stormwind. Azeroth is still used as the name of the subcontinent on which the kingdom is located.

[edit] Territories

The capital of the kingdom is the city of Stormwind. Its territories include Elwynn Forest (including Northshire Valley), the Redridge Mountains, Westfall, and Duskwood.

[edit] History

The kingdom was originally founded approximately a millenia before the First War by the descendants of the Arathi bloodline who migrated south from the nation of Arathor. It had a long and peaceful history, with the king served loyally by the knights of the Brotherhood of the Horse and the clerics of the Order of Northshire. Prior to the First War, the Wrynn dynasty ruled over the kingdom.

Stormwind's idyllic existence was shattered with the opening of the Dark Portal and the invasion of the Orcish Horde. After a long and bloody war which cost the lives of both King Wrynn III and his son Llane Wrynn IV, the orcs overran the entire kingdom, forcing the survivors to flee to Lordaeron. Anduin Lothar became Lord Regent, guiding the refugee nation in the name of the young Varian Wrynn.

[edit] Current status

Following the victory of the Alliance of Lordaeron over the Horde, the kingdom was reclaimed and rebuilt. Its lands outside of Elwynn are currently in severe distress, as the capital has not provided the military aid required to defend against the Defias, Blackrock orcs, and the undead and worgen in Darkshire.

The source of this discord can be traced to Lady Katrana Prestor, who is in reality the black dragon Onyxia. The King, Varian Wrynn has been kidnapped, and his young son Anduin Wrynn made king in his absence.

[edit] See also

  • History of Warcraft
    • The Seven Kingdoms