Kinabalu giant red leech

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A large example of the Kinabalu giant red leech.  Mount Kinabalu, Borneo.
A large example of the Kinabalu giant red leech. Mount Kinabalu, Borneo.

The Kinabalu giant red leech is a large (<30 cm long) bright orange-red coloured leech that is endemic to Mount Kinabalu, Borneo. Very little is known about this animal and it remains an undescribed species. The Kinabalu leech is not a blood sucker and feeds only on the Kinabalu giant earthworm. It lives in damp earth and leaves in cracks between the rocks and can be found in Kinabalu Park at an altitude of 2,500-3,000 m where the trail runs over a rocky outcrop near to the Mempening and Paka Cave shelters. It can only be seen during or after a heavy downpouring of rain.

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[edit] Resources

  • Phillipps, A. & Liew, F. 2000. Globetrotter Visitor's Guide Kinabalu Park. New Holland Publishers (UK) Ltd.