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A fan of blogs, podcasts and wikis, Kim M. Bayne started the Tucson Wiki to help promote and educate the local community.

In 2002, after many years away from the Old Pueblo, Kim returned to Tucson to live. She is the moderator and owner of the Tucson Actors Forum at Yahoo Groups, a moderated group for announcing auditions, casting calls, production jobs, performances and workshops, asking questions and sharing information that pertains to acting in and around Tucson, Arizona. As a freelance writer, Kim writes regularly for, a comprehensive online network created by women for women.

In the world of technology, Kim is considered an Internet marketing pioneer. She is author of the best-selling book "The Internet Marketing Plan," which reached #1 in February 1999 on's Best Seller List for Web Marketing. Her next book, "Marketing without Wires" took marketers beyond the desktop and into the world of the mobile user. From November 1997 to May 2000, Kim hosted the internationally syndicated public radio talk show "The Cyber Media Show with Kim Bayne," an hour-long look at Internet use, marketing strategies and tactics that aired weekly on traditional public radio and in streaming audio on the Web.

Over the years, Kim has written breaking news, trends analysis, opinion columns, case studies, profile features and product reviews for technical trade, business and consumer publications, in print and on the Web. Her portfolio includes assignments for Advertising Age, Business Marketing, CMP Media's Planet IT Mobile Computing TechCenter, eBusiness Advisor magazine,,, Internet Marketing & Technology Report, Internet & Electronic Commerce Strategies, Publish magazine, and before its demise, American Demographics' Marketing Tools. Her columns of Web site reviews, Internet marketing advice and opinion have appeared in print and on-line editions of selected city/suburban newspapers and business journals, such as the Colorado Springs' Gazette, and syndicated through Knight-Ridder.

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