Kim Bauer

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24 character
Kimberly Bauer
Gender: Female
Jobs held: Nanny (2), Level One Analyst (3)
Affiliation: Currently none
Family: Jack Bauer (Father)
Teri Bauer (Mother) (Deceased)
Phillip Bauer (Grand-Father)
Carol (Aunt)
Spouse: Vincent (Ex-boyfriend)
Rick Allen (Ex-boyfriend)
Miguel (Ex-boyfriend)
Chase Edmunds (Ex-Boyfriend)
Barry Landes (Ex-boyfriend)
Current status: Civilian
Portrayed by: Elisha Cuthbert
Seasons: 1, 2, 3, 5

Kimberly Bauer is a fictional character played by Elisha Cuthbert on the television series 24. She has made 72 appearences so far on the show, making her the 4th longest appearing character after Jack Bauer, Tony Almeida, and David Palmer.


[edit] Biography

Daughter of Jack and Teri Bauer, Kimberly Bauer first appeared in premiere episode of the show and was in almost every episode of the first three seasons. However, Kim did not appear in Season 4; Jack mentioned that she and Chase Edmunds were living together in Valencia, California and raising Edmunds' daughter Angela.

According to the manual from 24: The Game, Kim dropped out of Santa Monica High School but applied herself to her studies at Santa Monica College, obtaining a degree in Computer Programming in the process. She then pursued a career at the Counter Terrorist Unit in Los Angeles. Kim Bauer is a playable character in 24: The Game.

[edit] Character information

[edit] Day One

Main article: 24 (season 1)
Kimberley Bauer kidnapped on Day One
Kimberley Bauer kidnapped on Day One

Kimberly makes it a point to snub her mother whom she blames for her father’s previously moving out. She sneaks out of the house to meet up with her friend Janet York, and the girls have a late night rendezvous with two college guys. With Janet too drunk to drive, the boys offer to give Kimberly a lift home. Yet she realizes that she might be in danger when they won’t drive to her intended destination. Kimberly realizes that she and Janet are in serious danger after learning that other "people" have instructed Rick Allen and Dan Mounts to kidnap them. Dan smashes Janet's arm with a crowbar in order to coerce Kimberly to phone her mother. Kimberly calls Teri and says that everything's fine. But Teri knows something is wrong. Fearing for their lives, Kimberly helps an injured and heavily drugged Janet escape the clutches of Dan and Rick. An impoverished male prostitute comes to their aid, and Kim manages to briefly phone Teri. When Janet is struck by a car, the guys recapture Kim and leave Janet for dead. Dan and Rick tie up Kimberly and go back to finish Janet off. An ambulance gets Janet before they do. Dan and Rick hand Kim off to Ira Gaines, and they lie to him, claiming that they killed Janet and disposed of the body.

Dan and Rick hand Kim over to Gaines, who holds her captive in the back of his car. When she tries to gain the attention of another motorist, Gaines puts her in the trunk. After they arrive at the compound, Kim watches in horror as Gaines kills Dan. Kim helps Rick bury his friend at Gaines' compound. Knowing that Gaines could do the same to him, she tries to persuade Rick to escape. When Gaines puts her on the phone with Jack, Kim is convinced that this kidnapping is not about money. She is confident that her father will rescue her. Kim convinces Rick to escape. When another one of Gaines' thugs, Eli Stram catches them plotting, she pulls Rick on top of her to pretend that he is attacking her sexually. As she and Rick make their break for freedom, Teri Bauer is brought into the compound. Kim sacrifices her escape to go back in to help her mother.

Kim is then reunited with her mother. When Teri speaks emotionally of her love for her daughter, Kim is scared that Teri thinks they are going to die. Teri reassures her that they will be saved. Kim and Teri are dragged out and held at gunpoint, but their lives are spared at the last minute. Gaines has them locked back up in the shack. Eli then tries to take advantage of Kim, and she struggles to fend him off. Teri offers herself up instead, and Eli accepts. Kim keeps lookout while her mother uses the cell phone that she stole from Eli to call for help. When Kim asks why she once separated from Jack, Teri explains that Jack's work has created wedges between them, but that they chose to stay together in spite of those issues. Although Kim is tired, her mother urges her to stay awake. She is upset when Rick takes a beating from Eli for protecting them. Rick then gives them Dan's gun that had been in the van. When Gaines orders Eli to kill them, Teri shoots Eli instead. Teri and Kim hide his body.

Kim is overjoyed when Jack arrives, saying that she always knew that her father would rescue them. Yet she has to convince Jack that Rick can be trusted. After Rick helps them get to the front gates, Gaines' men shoot at them. Jack sends Teri and Kim into the woods while he and Rick fight back. When Teri and Kim hear an explosion, they do not know that Jack has managed to escape. Kim and Teri get lost in the woods, but escape death when Jack saves them. Kim is worried for Rick's safety. She is eager to go to him at the water tower, where he is hiding, but her impatience nearly kills them. Jack is forced to go to Gaines himself. When she and Teri make it to the water tower, Rick is gone. CTU commandos rescue the Bauers.

Kim and Teri are examined at a clinic to make sure they are healthy, and Kim urges her mother to tell the doctor about her rape. When Nina suspects a threat to their safety, she quickly shuttles Kim and Teri to a safe house. Kim finds out that her mother is having a baby. After she at first gives Teri a hard time, but she is later pleased and eager for her father to learn the good news. When Nina isn't looking, Kim swipes her cell phone and calls Rick. He is worried that he will be sent to jail for his participation, but Kim assures him that she'll only tell the authorities that Rick was threatened into kidnapping her. Kim warns Rick that CTU is questioning her defense of him. When an agent asks whether she or Teri knows anything about Eli, Kim quickly covers for her mother. After an assassin named Jovan Myovic enters the safe house, Kim and Teri take off in an agency car. They are chased into the hills. While Teri waits on the side of the road, the car falls over the side and crashes into flames. Kim, however, manages to escape alive. Yet her mother is gone.

Stranded in the hills without her mother, Kim finds a pay phone and calls CTU. Tony answers, but Kim doesn't know him and refuses to trust him. She hangs up and dials Rick. He gives her his address and she goes to him in a taxi. Rick's girlfriend is jealous, but Kimberly tells the girl she only wants to search Dan's room for clues to the men that he had been with the previous night. After finding nothing at Rick's house that will lead her to Teri, Kimberly decides to go to a park where her parents told her to meet in the event of an earthquake. Rick gives her cab fare, and they share a kiss. They are interrupted by Dan's brother, Frank Allard, who is looking for Dan. Anticipating a drug deal with the money from Dan, Frank orders Kim to stay at the house. She and Rick panic because they know that Dan is really dead. Kim appeals to Rick to turn his life around, but he is only hoping that they get through the next few hours unharmed.

Trapped at Rick's place, Kimberly lets on to Frank that his brother Dan is dead. With no money to pay the drug dealers, Frank gets his friends to supply guns to rob the dealers. The dealers are actually cops who nab Frank in a sting operation. Despite Kim's pleas, she gets arrested along with Rick. Taken to jail with the others involved in the drug deal, Kim and Rick agree to tell the cops the truth about her kidnapping and the events of the day. Yet the policeman in charge of the drug bust does not believe Kim's claims, and she is put into a holding cell.

In the holding cell, Melanie, Rick's girlfriend, tries to get a rise out of Kim. Kim, however, is frustrated enough to put Melanie in her place. When another prisoner tries to get Melanie in trouble, Kim sticks up for her. Melanie admits to the arresting officer that Kim is indeed telling the truth about her father. The policeman calls CTU and confirms Kim's story. As he is driving Kim to her mother, their squad car is ambushed and a group of masked men kidnap Kimberly, again. Kimberly is restrained and duct tape is spread over her mouth. She is brought to the basement hideout and she sees her father. Yet Jack is taken away, and Kimberly is left alone with a pair of dead bodies.

While being held in a warehouse at the Port of Los Angeles, Kim listens while the Drazens speak to Palmer. When she hears an explosion at the other end of the call, she fears the worst for her father. Andre Drazen tells her that Jack killed his own mother and sister, but Kim is confident that her father would never harm innocent people. She knows that Jack is a good man. With no hope of being released, Kim makes a last ditch effort to escape. She throws hot coffee on the guard watching her, runs out into the port, and loosens the ropes around her wrists. As Drazen spots her, Kim jumps into the water. The men are unable to find her in the darkness, and she is able to free herself and hide underneath a dock. Kim escapes from the port and avoids the Drazens. She hails a truck for help on a nearby road. Kim notifies CTU of her whereabouts and the danger awaiting Jack at the port. The police bring her safely to CTU where she reunites with her father. Then, her father asks where her mother is and goes to find her. He finds Teri Bauer dead.

[edit] Day Two

Main article: 24 (season 2)
Kim Bauer in her Day One clothing
Kim Bauer in her Day One clothing

Neither Jack or Kim dealt well with the aftermath of Teri's death. Jack was inactive and listless, while Kim had dropped out of school and taken a job as a nanny. The events of the day changed both of their lives. Jack was asked to help stop the nuclear bomb threat by going back into the field using an old cover. Once he found out the nature of the threat, his first response was to try to get Kim out of Los Angeles. He eventually decided to return to CTU, but insisted that his daughter be evacuated as part of the price.

Kim, for her part, did not respond to Jack's request, but found herself in serious trouble when she discovered Megan, her charge, was being abused by her father. Kim's instinct to protect Megan kicked in, and she took Megan with her, both to escape her father and leave Los Angeles. This was complicated by the pursuit of Megan's father, and medical problems with Megan, who had complications from her father's shove. Eventually Kim, her boyfriend Miguel, and Megan left the hospital by stealing Megan's father's car, but when they were pulled over for speeding, the highway patrol officer discovered blood dripping from the trunk. Inside was Megan's mother. Kim and Miguel were arrested on suspicion of murder and taken back to Los Angeles.

While Miguel and Kim were being transferred to another station, Miguel started a fire which caused the crash of the transport vehicle. He was too injured to flee, but Kim was not. She ended up in a wilderness area and took refuge with a survivalist. However, he wanted company, and told her the bomb had been detonated, and took her to his fallout shelter. While there, Kim discovered that he had lied, as the television carried local newscasts and baseball games. She confronted her captor, and he allowed her to leave.

Kim hitchhiked out, and borrowed a cell phone to contact CTU. There she was put in contact with Jack, who was flying the bomb to the desert so when it detonated, nobody would be hurt. Kim breaks down when she realizes her father won't be coming back, and profusely apologizes for her behavior. Jack tells her that he loves her, and nothing was her fault.

Kim had some minor problems for the rest of the day, such as being in a convenience store when it was robbed, and when she went to pack up her belongings, Megan's father appeared, having shot her police escort. When he proved ready to kill her, Jack told her to shoot him. She did, finally understanding what the difference between good and evil was, and the price it took for good persons to prevail. She ended the season in the arms of her father, who was going to a hospital for the treatment of the wounds (mostly torture) inflicted on him during the day. She left the day understanding Jack better, and realizing her father still loved her, no matter what. She also realized that Jack felt he had nothing to live for due to Teri's death and her choice to distance herself from him.

Miguel lost his right leg as a result of the car crash. He consequently ended his relationship with Kim and has not been seen since.

[edit] 24: The Game

Main article: 24: The Game

Kim started her internship for CTU during the time of Vice President Prescott's assassination. Tony Almeida and Michelle Dessler however were reluctant to take her in due to the day's events. Instead, CTU analyst Sean Walker allowed her in with opens arms having her work in the tech wing. Tony and Michelle's bad feelings however came true when Peter Madsen and a large number of thugs took over CTU while the other field agents were pre-occupied with the false nerve gas attacks. Michelle escorted Kim to room M3, which served as a panic room during the event of a hostile take-over. Michelle succeeded in bringing Kim to the designated area, but was captured herself. After Jack and Tony arrived back at CTU's perimeter, Tony tells Kim to encrypt the data files on the undercover CTU agents, though Jack objected. Tony guides Kim through evading the guards and how to encrypt the files.

Her efforts however, were in vain since it resulted in Sean getting killed. In order to prevent Michelle from dying, Kim turns herself in planting a tracking device on the hard drive and another tracking device on herself. Madsen and Sin-Chung take Kim hostage when CTU tactical teams storm the building to regain their base. After Jack destroys Madsen and Sin-Chung's helicopter, Madsen used Kim as his human shield, preventing the agent from doing his job. Sin-Chung's plan B was called in, and the driver extracting them was none other than undercover C.T.U. operative Chase Edmunds. Kim was eventually taken to the abandoned water facility in Burbank being used as Madsen's bargaining chip. During the time of her capture, Madsen gives subtle hints to Jack that Chase likes her. While Jack focuses on finding Kim, Chase at one point breaks his cover and tells Kim to warn CTU. Kim had difficulty in trusting Chase, but Chase's concern was genuine telling her the model of a technological item stolen from a laboratory. Under the guise of "having to use the bathroom" with Chase covering for her, Kim sneaks away and sends the call to CTU therefore exposing Madsen's plan to create artificial earthquakes.

An hour after the call, Jack rescues Kim and tells Chase to stay undercover to recover the hard-drive. Jack and Kim blast their way out of Madsen's base and eventually drive back to CTU. During Jack's confrontation with Ryan Chappelle, Kim disappears during the rest of the day staying in Jack's office in order to keep her safe from further harm.

[edit] Day Three And Aftermath

Main article: 24 (season 3)
Kim's outfit in Season 3
Kim's outfit in Season 3

The aftermath of Day Two seemed to change Kim for the better. She obtained a GED and an A.A. in computer science, and started working for CTU. There she was re-acquainted with Chase Edmunds, another CTU agent who was partnered with Jack. The two fell in love, but kept their relationship from Jack. During the events of the day, their affair was brought to his attention. Over the course of the day, she was also brought into another aspect of Chase's life - his daughter. It was a sticking point, but one that they overcame. She was eventually brought into the field, which probably made her understand both her father, and Chase, and the risks they took. She and Chase apparently left CTU after day 3, probably due to how Chase had his forearm cut off (by Jack). In a choice between letting a terrorist escape with the virus and beginning the day again, or using the titanium clamps to secure it to him to isolate it, Chase sacrificed himself. He made the virus impossible to get away with, but also impossible to get himself away from. In the end, Chase sacrificed his left hand for both his own life, and the greater good. In the finale of Season 3, her father accepted the love between herself and Chase.

In the end, Kim chose a life with him, and was last mentioned to be living with him in Valencia, California, and helping raise his daughter in Day 4.

Kim was not a part of the tight circle which faked Jack's death at the end of Day 4. The promotional "bridge" between days 4 and 5 show Chloe O'Brien telling Jack that Kim was heartbroken over Jack's faked death, but she was coming to terms with it a year later.

[edit] Day Five

Main article: 24 (season 5)

After Jack's death, Chase left Kim. She is reunited with Jack after arriving at CTU with Barry Landes, a clinical psychologist. It appears that she may be romantically involved with Landes, whom Jack regards with instant dislike. She survives a Sentox nerve gas attack at CTU and is locked inside the situation room. She initially resented her father for not "trusting her enough" to let her know he was still alive, but Chloe O'Brian revealed to Kim that the four people who did know Jack had faked his death had been targeted for assassination that very morning, two of them successfully and critically injuring a third. If she had known Jack was alive, she would have been targeted as well.

After the threat of the nerve gas had been eliminated, Kim left CTU without making amends with her father. Kim claimed she could not deal with the fact that every time she got near him, she was surrounded by death and disaster. Barry, after then thanking Jack for saving their lives, was simply told by Jack to get Kim out of Los Angeles and not to stop for anything.

It is also rumoured that Kim will not return, although Elisha Cuthbert has indicated that she has not ruled out reprising her role.

[edit] External links

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