Kiddy Kong

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Kiddy kong
Kiddy kong

Kiddy Kong (known as Dinky Kong in Japan) was created by Rareware to be partnered up with his cousin Dixie Kong in Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! for the game. He also served as Dixie's sidekick in the Game Boy follow-up, Donkey Kong Land III and in the GBA port of Donkey Kong Country 3. Kiddy had great strength which allowed him to throw Dixie further than Diddy ever could, and allowed him to destroy cracked floors when thrown. Chunky Kong of Donkey Kong 64 is his older brother. When making Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble, many of the games team suggest that Kiddy should be named Tiny Kong. They decided to change his name to Kiddy Kong. However, Tiny Kong appeared 3 years later as Kiddy's cousin in the Nintendo 64 release, Donkey Kong 64.

Kiddy was planning to be revived in the GameCube title Donkey Kong Racing, but the game was canceled when Rare became part of Microsoft Game Studios in 2002.

Given the time of when his game came out, Kiddy never appeared in the Donkey Kong Country animated series, although the show did feature a similar character. Baby Kong, originally depicted as Donkey Kong after drinking a youth potion, was later shown as a different character, as DK's nephew.

Kiddy is one of the strongest Kongs along with Donkey Kong and his older brother Chunky Kong.

Kiddy Kong appeared in 3 games. Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble, for the SNES, Donkey Kong Land 3, for GameBoy, and the Donkey Kong Country 3 remake for the Gameboy Advance. As stated above, he was going to be in Donkey Kong Racing for the GameCube, and he possibly could have also appeared in Diddy Kong Pilot which was also cancelled. However, Kiddy was mentioned once in Chunky's profile on the official Donkey Kong 64 site. In more recent games Kiddy's role is often replaced by Funky Kong in games like Donkey Konga 3 and DK-King of Swing.

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Donkey Kong video games
Donkey KongJr.3'94Mario vs. DK2
Country23Land2III64Jungle BeatWii
Jr. MathKing of SwingDS
Diddy Kong RacingDSDK Bongo Blast
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