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Kfarsghab is a village located in in the North Lebanon region. The village itself is situated in what is regarded in the north of Lebanon as a very holy and spiritually dearly held location – the Valley of Kadisha.

The Lebanese Kfarsghab number 20,000 worldwide. 95% live outside Lebanon. The population is maronite catholic.

It is made up of 2 villages, Kfarsghab and Morh Kfarsghab.

Kfarsghab, the summer village, is located on the road going from Ehden to Bsharri in the northern part of the Qadisha valley. Kfarsghab is mentioned in documents as old as 1283 AD.

Morh Kfarsghab, the winter village, is located on the north-western slope of the Joueit valley separating Miziara from Bnachii. A written document mentioning Morh is dated to October / November 1748 AD (Thu'l-Qa'dah 1161 Hijri).


Kfarsghab  : Mediterranean mountain village with heavy winter snows and mild dry summers. Morh Kfarsghab  : Mediterranean plain village with heavy rains, mild winters and hot dry arid summers.

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