Kevin Rollins

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Kevin D. Rollins, President and CEO of Dell, Inc.; photo courtesy of Dell Inc.
Kevin D. Rollins, President and CEO of Dell, Inc.; photo courtesy of Dell Inc.

Kevin D. Rollins is the President and CEO of Dell Inc. Prior to becoming CEO in July 2004, Mr. Rollins served as President and COO, Vice Chairman, and President of Dell America. The company employs approximately 75,000 people worldwide and reported revenues of $47.3 billion for the past four quarters.

Before joining Dell in April 1996, Mr. Rollins was Vice President and partner of Bain & Company, a management consulting firm. While with Bain, he developed strategies around the direct selling of computer systems and services that helped propel Dell into its current global leadership position.

Mr. Rollins earned his Master's in Business Administration and Bachelor's degrees from Brigham Young University and remains an active supporter of the school. He is a member of the university's President's Leadership Council and the Marriott School National Advisory Council, where he founded and continues to sponsor the Rollins Center for eBusiness. He serves at the request of the Presidents of the United States of America on the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiation and is a member of the Computer Systems Policy Project and the U.S. Business Council. Mr. Rollins is active in the American Enterprise Institute and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Rollins is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served a two year mission for the church in Alberta and Saskatchewan Canada in the early 1970s.

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