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- For the colourful fabric of Ghanaian origin, often worn as a symbol of African-American pride, see Kente cloth
Kente (noun, verb)
Pronunciation key: k╗їn't╗║
"A system and sequence of movement and sounds developed by Simon, Benjamin and Gina Tedeschi (Sydney, Australia), originally inspired as an interpretation of an early 1990's computer game called "Streetfighter". At the crux of this system of movement is the core movement known as "kente", where the "kenter" faces the "kentee", places his wrists together in a vertical manner (with one hand above the other, lowers his torso whilst raising his hands to the person's face, simulating (or actually accomplishing) a total enveloping of the kentee's face. The kentee can be a voluntary or involuntary kentee, i.e. he/she does not necessarily have to consent to the kente, as there is no known nation-state on earth where a kente is a crime against humanity (yet). When the movement is complete, the kenter utters, mouths, yells, or otherwise vocalises the word "kente". In more recent years, Simon Tedeschi has become the only known person on earth to accomplish a 15 second-long kente, where he has developed a series of what some may refer to as "dance steps" to precede a kente of gigantic proportions. Some have critically acclaimed "kente" to be a word of great diplomatic purpose, particularly in social situations where awkwardness is rife and silences lengthy. Mpeg, mp3, midi files or jpeg files relating to "kente", will be uploaded at a later date.
Associated words:
- kenter
- kentee
- kent (non-continuous present tense verb of kente). "Kent" also is a word which we use when referring to the colloquial name of the current Duke of Kent, Prince Edward, the grandson of King George the Fifth, who has held the title of Duke of Kent since 1942. We believe that he is, as yet, unaware of our movement, yet he still remains somewhat of a nominal patriarch of this wonderful ritual.
- kenting (continuous present tense)
- kented (past tense)
- kenne (the precursor to kente, but with considerably less popularity)
- nguyen-kente (a system of kente we prophesise will one day be making its way through Vietnam) - this can also double as a kente when answering a phone.
- hiphop kente (originally conceived by Simon Tedeschi whilst contemplating New York City on a train)
- questioning kente (a kente which ends with an ascending inflection to imply a question)
- nyeeeee (an abbreviation and variation on kente, which some refer to as so totally stupid and ridiculous that it should be banned)
- kentable (referring to a person who a prospective kenter thinks would make an appropriate kentee, i.e. "Whoaaa dude, check out that chick, she is soooo kentable")
- kentation (the noun referring to the actual act of kenting someone), i.e. With respect to the charges laid on the defendant of persistent kentation, how do you find the defendant? Not guilty your honour.
- kentatious (someone who engages in kentational [adjective from kentation] activity to such an astounding frequency, that they must add this suffix to their name. e.g. Org the Kentatious of Trub. (Org is a fictional character and Trub is a fictional place). - see Congenital Adrenal Kente Syndrome (CAKS)
- kentism (any form of denominational religion or system of ritualistic spirituality which not only condones, but enforces the vocalisation of "kente" as a primary tenet
- kennelingus (a messy and oft-painful sexual act)
- Congenital Adrenal Kente Syndrome (CAKS) - a syndrome found to occur primarily in adolescents and young adults of Jewish Italian ancestry, currently known to only affect 3 people worldwide. In this condition, the "kente" gland becomes unusually overactive, resulting in the sufferer vocalising "kente" at inappropriate situations and even more inappropriate frequency. An epidemic is thought to be occurring soon.
- dekent (a verb which refers to the act of feeling guilty, apologetic, remorseful, or sorry for kenting someone, resulting in you taking back the kente by doing it all again backwards). e.g. "Org the Kentatious of Trub, you really shouldn't have just kented him.... he's not a very appropriate kentee to kent right now. So let's start off by dekenting him, then let's find a more kentable person to kent so we can be kentatious without ever having to worry about giving a bad name to kentism. Anyone feel like some kentation to that kentee over there? He might feel more kentable."