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K. prostrataGeelong Botanic Gardens
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Subfamily: Faboideae
Tribe: Phaseoleae
Genus: Kennedia

See text

The Kennedia genus of plants contains 16 species all native to Australia. They are an evergreen climbing plants with woody stems. The plant usually has trifoliate leaves and pea-type flowers of various colours from pink to dark red and yellow to black. The genus was named after John Kennedy, a nurseryman from London.


[edit] Species

This genus has 15 recognised species and one provisional species

[edit] Recognised

  • K. beckxianaCape Arid Kennedia is one of several Western Australia endemics, and only occurs in southwestern Western Australia. It flowers between September and December, producing red flowers with a green centre.
  • K. carinata — Endemic to southwestern Western Australia, this species produces red to purple flowers with a yellow centre between September and November.
  • K. coccineaCoral Vine grows naturally in Victoria and Tasmania. It spreads to over 3 m and flowers from September to November. The flowers are yellow centred with pale red petals trimmed in magenta.
  • K. exaltata — Occurs in Queensland.
  • K. eximia
  • K. glabrataNorthcliffe Kennedia is another species endemic to south western Western Australia. It flowers between August and November and has red flowers. It is listed as vulnerable under Australia's EPBC Act.
  • K. microphylla
  • K. nigricansBlack Coral Pea, a robust Western Australian species which spreads to over 18 m2(200ft2) is an ideal plant to cover fences and sheds. The black and yellow flowers bloom from October to January.
  • K. procurrensPurple Running Pea is found in Queensland and New South Wales on sandy soils. It produces purple flowers from the late southern winter into summer.
  • K. prorepens — is found in Western Australia and the Northern Territory. It produces purple, violet and blue flowers between April and November.
  • K. prostata — is a widespread species, found in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania.
  • K. prostrataRunning Postman is another Western Australian species of Kennedia. The leaves have a distinctive wavy edge which grow to 13 cm in length. The flowers are coral red with yellow features though this species has flowers only sparsely .
  • K. retrorsa — is only found in the Mount Dangar area and the adjacent Goulburn River catchment in New South Wales. It flowers from September to December producing pink/purple to scarlet flowers. It is listed as vulnerable under the EPBC Act.
K. rubicunda, Wolli Creek, Sydney, NSW
K. rubicunda, Wolli Creek, Sydney, NSW
  • K. rubicundaDusky Coral Pea is a widespread species, it is found in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. It produces pink flowers from late winter into spring.
  • K. stirlingiiBushy Kennedia is a Western Australian species. It produces orange to red flowers between August and November.

[edit] Provisional

  • K. macrophylla — found in Western Australia, this species flowers best in shaded area with yellow and pink flowers.

[edit] Cultivation

The Kennedias plants are frost tolerant with a preference for light well drained soil in full sun positions, once established they will spread into shaded areas. Western Australian species are very heat tolerant and make ideal covers for sheds, fences and walls with support. Many Kennedias are extremely vigorous climbers; K. rubicunda (commonly used in revegetation projects around Sydney, where it is indigenous) and K. nigricans can cover up to five metres of wall from tube in nine months. The most popular species in culitvation, K. prostrata, is a much less vigorous ground cover plant.

They are propagated from seed during spring, in the warmer summer months they are easily propagated from cuttings. This robust genus can be heavily cut back after flower to prevent invasive growth.

[edit] References

    • Australian Native Plant by Geoff Bryant ISBN 1741660300 published 2005 (by Random House) pages 246,247