Keith Waldrop

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Keith Waldrop is the author of numerous books of poetry and prose, and has translated the work of Claude Royet-Journoud, Anne-Marie Albiach, and Edmond Jabès, among others. With Rosmarie Waldrop, he co-edits Burning Deck Press. He lives in Providence, Rhode Island, and teaches at Brown University. The French government has named him Chevalier des arts et des lettres.


[edit] Selected Works

[edit] Poetry

  • Shipwreck In Haven (Awede, 1989)
  • The Opposite of Letting the Mind Wander (Lost Roads, 1990)
  • The Locality Principle (Avec, 1995)
  • The Silhouette of the Bridge (Memory Stand-Ins) (Avec, 1997)
  • Stone Angels (Instress, 1997)
  • Well Well Reality (Collaborations with Rosmarie Waldrop) (The Post-Apollo Press, 1998)
  • Haunt (Instance, 2000)
  • Seriamis If I Remember (Avec, 2001)
  • The House Seen from Nowhere (Litmus Press, 2003)
  • The Real Subject: queries and Conjectures of Jacob Delafon, with Sample Poems (Omnidawn, 2005)

[edit] Prose

  • Hegel's Family (Station Hill, 1989)
  • Light While There is Light (Sun & Moon, 1993)

[edit] Translations