Talk:Kathryn Frost
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There is some controversy regarding Frost's possible advocacy of allowing the insurance company "American Amicable" privileged access to American military personnel in spite of that company's unethical business practices. It has been alleged that this was in support of her husband's (Representative Martin Frost (D-TX)) and Representative Chet Edwards' (D-TX) political interests.
"Insurer To Refund Money To Soldiers" [New York Times, September 23, 2004]
Connect the dots. The wording of this entry is NPOV WRT the situation of American Amicable vis MG Frost. If there wasn't any controversy there should have been. I'm not willing to fall on my sword over this but General Frost's situation warrants some attention WRT ethics and conflicts of interest. Either General Frost should have had oversight over her husband's activities or her husband should have had oversight over the her activities (as a senior member of the military). Her marriage significantly confused this relationship. General Frost's situation WRT promotion and assignment in the military could also be fairly or unfairly construed as related to her marital status with a member of the US Congress.