Katarina Cott

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Official artwork of Katarina from Suikoden IV
Official artwork of Katarina from Suikoden IV

Katarina Cott is a character from Suikoden IV.

[edit] Statistics

Name: Katarina Cott
Alias: N/A
Origin: Razril, Island Nations
Age: 31 (Suikoden IV)
Race: Human
Rune: N/A
Family: Glen Cott (father)
Affiliation: Knights of Razril
Previous Affiliations: Island Nations Forces

[edit] Role in Suikoden IV

When Commander Glen tells Lazlo and Snowe of their mission to escort the trader Ramada to Iluya, Katarina tells Snowe to send a nasel bird if they run into any trouble. After the young Knights leave the room with Ramada, Glen chides Katarina for mentioning that in the presence of an outsider. Katarina takes care of Commander Glen and assumes active duty after he returns from rescuing Lazlo from the Pirate Brandeau, as Commander Glen has been injured and bedridden. She insists he stay and rest. During the second pirate attack, she accompanies Lazlo to repel the pirates. Before she leaves, however, Glen gives her a strict order: Until he says otherwise, no one is allowed to enter the Hall of Knights.

Katarina fights alongside Lazlo, but the pirate onslaught seems endless until a mysterious red light from the hall destroys the ships. In deference to Commander Glen's orders, Katarina orders the Knights to stay outside and assist with the injured. However, both Lazlo and Snowe enter the Hall. The next thing Katarina knows, Commander Glen has disintegrated into ash, and Snowe blames Lazlo for it. Katarina has little information to go on, but decides Lazlo's guilt. She orders him exiled from Razril and sets him on a small boat. As Lazlo disappears on the horizon, Katarina resigns herself to misery, resolving that no one can understand just how much Commander Glen's death affected her.

Snowe is instated as the new Commander, but he quickly forges a deal with the expanding and militant Kooluk Empire. He sells them the land of Razril in exchange for the freedom of the people there. During Kooluk's occupation, Katarina is forcefully questioned about her knowledge of pirate attacks on Kooluk forces. Although she knows nothing, she is tortured and abandoned in the ocean. She is recovered by the pirate Kika, who takes her to her hideout and treats her wounds. In the meantime, Lazlo, who just escaped from Obel with its King, Lino En Kuldes, has also saught Kika's assistance. When Lazlo comes to her hideout, he meets Katarina. She's amazed to find him alive. She tells him that there is no one left who wants to punish him because Razril has been sold to the Kooluk. She remains in the hideout recovering from her injuries after Lazlo's army joins with Kika's gang to repel Snowe's assault on the piratess's fortress.

After Lazlo gains the assistance of Elenor Silverburg, he returns to see Katarina at Kika's hideout. She asks him what really happened to Commander Glen. She learns that the Rune of Punishment, a cursed True Rune, was responsible. Using it was what caused the red light that destroyed the pirates at Razril, and what caused his subsequent death. After learning this, Katarina asks Lazlo if she could accompany his army.

After Lazlo's army crushed the Kooluk Southern Expansion Fleet, Katarina returned to Razril. Believing fervently in Glen's dream of a powerful Knighthood, she reforms the organization. Razril gains it's independence from Gaien, and Katarina becomes the first Commander of the new Knighthood, selecting Keneth to be her Vice-Commander. Katarina was actually the daughter of Commander Glen, which is why she was so deeply hurt by his death. The only person she had given this information to was an old friend of Glen's and Katarina's wizardly master, Konrad.

[edit] Weapon

Katarina uses a rod.

  • Naganara (Level 1-6)
  • E Naganara (Level 7-12)
  • Kal E Naganara (Level 13-16)
Preceded by:
Tenjyu Star Succeeded by:
Bernadette Egan