Karl-Rudolf Koch
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Karl-Rudolf Koch (* 1935) is a german geodesist and professor at the University Bonn (FRG). In the global geodetic community he is well known fpr his research work in geodetic statistics (espec. robust parameter estimation) and in gravity field models.
Short biography:
- 1935: Born on 30 July in Hilchenbach (Siegen, Germany)
- 1955-1959 Study of Vermessungswesens, University of Bonn
- 1959 Diplom-Hauptprufung fur Vermessungsingenieure
- 1960-1963 Vermessungsreferendar in regional governm. of Arnsberg
- marriage with Gisela Hasenbäumer
- 1963-1966 research assistant at Prof. Walter Hofmann, 1965 at Prof. Helmut Wolf, Inst. of Geodesy, resp. Theoretical Geodesy, Univ.Bonn
- 1963, 1966 Birth of daughter Susanne and son Michael
- 1965 Promotion (Dr.-Ing.), thesis "Über die gravimetrische
Lotabweichungs-Berechnung in begrenzten Gebieten bei lückenhaftem Schwerematerial
Greens formulas|Green's Fundamental Formula]] for anyone direction, leading to Integral equations and to Neumann's inverse boundary problem of Potential theory
- 1967-1968 guest researcher at Ohio State University (OSU) in Columbus, Ohio,
- 1968-1970 research at National Geodetic Survey (NGS), Rockville, Maryland. Development of Earth's gravity field]] models by the method of "Potential der einfachen Schicht" (single density layer)
- 1970-1978 apl. Professor at Institut für Theoretische Geodäsie, University of Bonn (western Germany), lectures in Astronomical and Physical Geodesy, incl. geoid determination by satellite geodesy and DTMs (terrain models)
- 1971-1974, 1976, 1978 and 1983: research projects at the National Geodetic Survey, Maryland, USA
- 1972 Call to the Technical University Vienna (Austria) after the dead of Karl Ledersteger, but ...
- 1977-1982 Member of Satellite geodesy Commission of DGK (?) and of the Netherlands
- 1978-2000 C4 Professor at Univ.Bonn aund Director of the Geodetic Institute. Research in Statistics, Deformation measurements, Varianve-Covariance estimations in Erdmessung and Immobiles, Optimization of geodetic networks and datum transfers of geodetic systemsDatumstransformationen, Satellite altimetry etv.
... to be continued
[edit] Some of Koch's publications
KOCH, K.R. und Y. YANG: Konfidenzbereiche und Hypothesentests für robuste Parameterschätzungen Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, 123, pp. 20-26, 1998
KOCH, K.R. und Y. YANG: Robust Kalman filter for rank deficient observation models Journal of Geodesy, 72, pp. 436-441, 1998
KOCH, K.R.: Bemerkungen zu "Was ist Genauigkeit?" VR 1997, S.212, Vermessungswesen und Raumordnung, 59, S. 362-370, 1997
KOCH, K.R.: Emeritierter Prof. Dr.-Ing., Dr.-Ing. E.h. Hellmut H. Schmid Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, 123, 282, 1998
KOCH, K.R.: Parameterschätzung und Hypothesentests in linearen Modellen 3. Auflage, Dümmler, pp. 381, Bonn, 1997
KOCH, K.R: "Robuste Parameterschätzung" Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, 103, 1-8, 1996 +Stellungnahme z.Beitr Prof.Kampmann zu Robuste P.Î (AVN 1/96) 103, p.165-167 [[Category:Potential theory