Karelian hot pot

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The Karelian hot pot (karjalanpaisti in Finnish) is a traditional meat stew originating in the Karelia region of Finland. It is commonly prepared out of pork and beef, but lamb can also be used. Along with the Karelian pie (karjalanpiirakka), it is the most widely recognised Karelian food in Finland.

Like most other Karelian foods, the Karelian hot pot is traditionally cooked in a pot placed inside an oven (uuniruukku or potti in Finnish). In Karelia, it is usually referred to as just 'oven stew' (uunipaisti), and the term Karelian hot pot can be used to refer to nearly any food that contains meat and is prepared in this traditional Karelian fashion.

Like the Karelian pie, the hot pot was once only prepared for festive occasions, due to the poor availability of meat in some areas, but during the 20th century it became a common, everyday food all around Finland.

Karelian hot pot recipe

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